Part 98

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"I'm going to kill you." He stated right off the bat. I sighed. "And for what reason is that?" I asked, getting up and going out into the hall, as to not wake Harry..

"He's back there. I thought I told you to make him leave. You know I hate him." He commented. I rolled my eyes. "Ryan, who cares if he's here? I mean, I do. But he doesn't affect you in any way by being here." I said. "Well, considering you sleep in the same bed as him, I think it does affect me.. Don't think for a second that I've forgotten about our deal. As soon as you have that child, you're mine." He stated, hanging up before I could argue back.

I sighed, shoving a hand through my hair. "What was that about?" I jumped, hearing Harry speak from behind me. "Why do you insist on sneaking up on me? You know I hate that." I questioned, turning to face him. He smiled. "Sorry." He replied..

"He was just reminding me of our deal. And said he still hates you." I explained. He sighed. "You need to get out of that deal, Brynn. I mean, seriously. I can't let you go back to him. Do you think he'd take money?" He asked. I shrugged. "Maybe. But I could never ask you to do that. And even-so, there's no guarantee he'll stay away." I replied, going back into my room.

He followed me, about to say something, when someone started calling him. He pulled it out, and then went back into the hallway to take the call.....

>>> Time Jump >>>

•• 7 months later ••
March 3, 2022

I'm nearing the end of the pregnancy, finally. Well actually, I'm in the hospital already. I started with the contractions at three in the morning. Harry has been in London for about a month, so the flight is shorter. Of course, he had to actually wait until 6AM to get a flight.


"I'm here! I'm here! Please tell me I didn't miss anything." He shouted, running into the room. I groaned. "You're too fucking loud. It's eight in the morning, Harry. Besides, I told you not to come. You know this risks the media finding out." I said, glancing over at the nurses, who were sworn to secrecy as soon as I got here. I could tell a majority of them recognized him, since they were all staring at him with shocked expressions..

"I know that; but I'm not going to miss this." He replied, walking over, holding out his hand. I sighed, putting my hand in his. "We're never talking about this again." I stated, feeling another contraction start. He laughed. "Got it." He stated, smiling. I shut my eyes, already ready for this to be over...

** 24 hours later **

I woke up, still exhausted. Harry was lying next to me on the bed, holding the baby, which he had yet to name. It was a girl. He'd wanted me to help name her, but I made sure he knew that I still wanted no part in this child's life. She deserved at least that much.

He looked over at me. "She's amazing." He said quietly. I laughed, shaking my head and looking around the room. "They discharged you." He commented, and I nodded.

"So, are you at least going to stick around for a few months?" He questioned. I shook my head. "Why would I?" I asked. "To feed her." He replied, looking down at her when she started to move.. I sighed. "I'd rather not. Besides, Ryan will come after me soon." I said, getting off the bed and grabbing the change of clothes Harry had brought for me.. I went into the bathroom to change, ready to get out of here and get on with my life..

I pulled on the shorts and sweatshirt, and then walked out after doing whatever else I needed to do..

"Please?" He asked, looking at me. I sighed. "I don't want anyone else to get hurt, Harry. If I don't go to him, he's going to get mad." I explained, walking over. He held the baby out towards me. I looked at her for a second, before taking her from him so he could stand up. "I understand that. But you can stay at my place. I've got cameras." He replied, coming over and standing in front of me. "Yes, and the entire world knows where you live. We can't sneak a baby in and out of there." I said, handing her back to him...


** Four months later **
July 9th, 2022

I ended up going to stay with Harry, and he's been taking care of the baby for a lot of the time. I basically just feed her. Oh yeah, and he finally settled on a name. Grace.

"Hey, when you get back, can you watch her for a little bit? I need a shower, and a nap." He asked. I stopped at the front door. "Yeah, sure." I replied, walking out. I kept my head down for the first few blocks, making sure not to draw attention to myself, but also not look suspicious..

I've been going for long runs nearly everyday for the last three months. I took it slow for the first two weeks, but then got back to where I'd been before all of this happened. I've lost any weight I gained during the pregnancy, which had been my goal when I started.

I ran my normal route, and then turned to go back.. I only made it back about three miles before I was stopped. I looked up, immediately taking a few steps back, my heart nearly stopping.. "Finally. You know, I really thought I warned you what would happen if you tried to run from me." Ryan stated. I glanced around, knowing no one ever pays much attention to the other people near them.

"Why can't you just leave me alone?" I asked. "Because, Brynn. I literally explained to you in great detail, what the terms of our deal were. And here you are, breaking them. So.. You know what has to happen."

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