Part 3

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I looked down, seeing the blood on my shirt. It had hit my left side, low down. But I knew there weren't any vital organs right there, having memorized the human anatomy pretty early on. The bullet also hadn't gone all the way through. "Okay. Ok. Um, I need to take it out. While I'm still in shock, I won't be able to feel it." I commented, looking around, trying to find some sort of instrument I could get it out with. "Maybe I can wash my hands really fast in the bathroom and use my fingers.." I murmured, trying to think. He looked grossed out.

"What?! No, absolutely not. That's fucking insane. We're going to a hospital. Come on." He said, grabbing my hand and pulling me through the concourse. With my other hand, I was holding my stomach, trying to stop some of the bleeding.

We went out the side entrance, and I led him through the parking deck, to where my car was. I had my keys attached to my belt loop, and he took them, unlocking the car and getting in. "Wait, you're driving? Your arm—" He looked at me. "Just get in the damn car." He commented. I sighed, getting in..

Once we were out of the parking lot, I felt a lot safer now that the guy with the gun wasn't chasing us. But, I wasn't sure I trusted him driving my car..

*At the hospital*

We walked into the ER, and immediately two doctors ran over to us. "Ok. Let's have her in trauma room one, and him in two." The male doctor stated. "No." I commented. "We go in the same room, or not at all." I insisted. He hesitated, but nodded..

"Ok, so we have a gunshot wound to the left abdomen, and it looks like the bullet grazed his arm before it hit her. His arm needs stitches. How'd this happen?" The first doctor asked as he put on gloves. The other one started cleaning and stitching Harry's arm.

"Long story. Not important. Just take it out so we can leave." I commented impatiently..

"You got shot. Why are you not freaking out
more?" Harry asked me. "Because it isn't a big deal." I replied, leaning back on my elbows, watching as the doctor slowly cleaned the outside of the wound. I groaned. "Why aren't you taking it out?" I asked.

He glanced over at me. "Because we have to clean it, and then get you a scan to make sure it isn't hitting any of your organs or major blood vessels." He explained. I rolled my eyes. I knew it wasn't hitting anything. I took four Anatomy classes, and knew where everything was. It wasn't hitting anything. "Ok well since we're wasting time anyway, could I get some water?" I asked. He looked over at me. "You're in shock. Ok? You need to lie down flat, and relax." He stated.

"No. I need water. Now." I commented, impatient. Harry was watching me.

The doctor got up, annoyed, and took his gloves off, walking out of the room to get me water. "Why are you so mean to everyone?" Harry questioned. The woman that was stitching his arm up, obviously listening. I didn't answer his question. I reached over, grabbing what looked like a pair of tweezers off the instrument tray. Before Harry's doctor could stop me, I quickly reached them into my wound, and pulled the bullet out, dropping it, and the tool, back down onto the tray. I sighed, leaning back onto my elbows.

She was staring at me in shock. "I'm fine, see? Now could you please just keep stitching up his arm?" I asked, grabbing some gauze and holding it against my wound to help stop any bleeding. Harry looked like he might be sick. The guy came back with the water. He handed it to me and sat back down, his eyes landing on the bloodied bullet. First, he looked at the other doctor. "Wasn't me. She did it." She stated.

He looked at me. "Do you realize how stupid that was? You could've just unplugged an internal injury. I need to get you down for a scan right now." He stated, standing up. I took a few sips of the water. "I'm not going anywhere. It didn't hit any organs. I'm 100% positive of that, and I'm not wasting thousands of dollars on some stupid scan that will only confirm what I already know. So, stitch it up, or I will." I commented, taking the gauze off and dropping it onto the instrument tray.

He looked at me like I was crazy. "I'm not kidding. I'm not getting any scans, because I'm fine. So, stitch it up." I said, finishing the water. I was keeping my body in shock, ensuring that I wouldn't feel the hole in my stomach.

He was just looking at me, not doing anything. "Thought this was a hospital; apparently it's more of a self-treatment facility." I muttered, grabbing what I'd need to do the stitches and pushing the needle into my skin. I got three stitches done before he grabbed my hands, stopping me. "Ok ok, stop. Let me do that." He commented, eyeing me.

"Are you a doctor or something?" He asked, checking the stitches I'd already done. Which, were flawless. "No. Just happen to know a lot about a lot of different things." I replied, leaning back on my elbows again and letting him finish stitching that up.

About thirty minutes later, Harry and I were filling out paperwork, and my phone started buzzing.

I answered it. "Yeah?" I asked. "Please tell me that he's with you, and not dying somewhere." Jeff said. "Yeah, he's with me. We're at the hospital. Princess insisted we come here." I commented. "Is he alright?" He asked.

"Yeah, he had to get some stitches. He'll be fine. Won't stop complaining and asking questions; but physically he's fine." I replied. "Oh shut up." Harry muttered, still filling out his form.

"Ok, um. I hate to do this to you, but can you—" I cut Jeff off before he could finish. "No no no no no. No. I'm not spending any more time with him. He's a pain in the ass." I stated.

"Sitting right next to you. Can hear every word you're saying." Harry commented, continuing with his form, not even glancing in my direction. I rolled my eyes. "Brynn, this is your job. Okay? He's safest with you. Whoever that guy is, he got away. And until we find him, or at least find out who he is, you're to watch Harry. Constantly. I mean it. Do not let him out of your sight. He can stay with you, wherever you're staying. Just, try to avoid paparazzi. And be careful. We don't know where this guy is." He explained.

I groaned. "Ok but he's so annoying, Jeff. I'm going to die spending just five more minutes with him." I complained. "Wait, Jeff?" Harry asked, suddenly looking over at me. "Let me talk to him." He said, and I sent him an annoyed look.

"Brynn, take care of him. Ok? Put him on the phone for me." He said.

"He's gonna get all his germs on it.." I murmured, and Harry rolled his eyes, taking the phone out of my hand. "Jeff, what the hell is going on? And who is this girl? She's fucking insane, you know that right?" He stated. I went back to filling out the overly-lengthy forms. They'd given me one that said I couldn't sue them if something went wrong, since I'd gone "against medical advice" or whatever.

"You hired her? Jeff, did you even do a background check? Because I'm serious, she's actually crazy. She pulled the bullet out of her stomach, and then started stitching it up. With no pain killers." He explained, sounding truly mortified by the memory of it.

"Yes, that guy shot her. It sort of scraped my arm, and then hit her. But, Jeff. You can't make me stay with her. She's mean, and crazy." He commented.

He listened to whatever Jeff said, and hung up. He handed me my phone.

"Guess I'm stuck with you."

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