Part 45

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I went back up to my apartment, going in and shutting the door behind me. "Well that was quick." Jeff commented. I nodded, going into the kitchen. I grabbed a glass, filled it with some tap water. I pulled the pill out, quickly taking it..

I set the glass down in the sink, turning around. Jeff was standing there, scaring the shit out of me. I gave him a look, trying to walk past him. He stopped me. "What was that?" He asked. "What was what?" I questioned, playing dumb.

"The pill you just took. Is that where you went? To go buy drugs?" He asked. I sent him a look. "Oh calm down, it was nothing. I get bad headaches sometimes." I lied, walking past him. He grabbed my arm, pulling me back into the kitchen. "You sure about that?" He asked.

"I'm not sure what you want me to say, Jeff. It was a pill. Not like I'm in here doing lines of coke or some shit." I commented, shoving past him and walking back into the common area. Harry was lying on the couch, watching tv. I sat down on the other sofa, and Jeff slowly came back, sitting down in the chair..

He stared at me for the next few minutes. "Ok, what's wrong with you? What do you want?" I asked, running a hand through my hair. "A few things. First of all, did you look in a mirror this morning?" He questioned. "And secondly, I want to know what you just took in there." He stated..

"Ok, well that's none of your business. And what are you talking about?" I asked. Harry was the one to answer. "You've got bites on your neck." He commented. I froze for a second, realizing I hadn't even thought about that.

I sighed, getting up and going into the bathroom. There was two small ones on the left side of my neck. I covered them as best as I could with makeup, and walked back out.

"So.. What'd you take?" Jeff asked. "Again, that's none of your business." I said, grabbing my phone and sitting down. "Ok. Well, you need to stay here tonight. Cause I won't be here." He commented. "Where are you going?" I asked. "Out." He stated.....


Jeff left at around 7:45PM. The next hour went by painfully slow. Harry and I would occasionally exchange a few words. But, it was pretty awkward. "You know what would make this better?" He questioned out of the blue. "What?" I asked. "That vodka you have in there." He said. I rolled my eyes. "I won't be the person who gives the recovering alcoholic a drink. Besides, that's a very expensive bottle. Higher alcohol content." I commented.

"First of all, I'm not an alcoholic. I was grieving. Second, you don't have to give me a drink, I'll go make my own." He said, standing up and going into the kitchen. At this point, I didn't really care. If he wants to drink, fine, whatever..

He walked back out, and held one of the glasses out to me. He'd made some sort of mixed drink. I sighed, taking the glass. If I was gonna survive the next few hours with him, alcohol was necessary...


Two hours in, and Harry had had almost six drinks. I was on my third, knowing my tolerance was lower than his. Although, he wasn't handling it well..

He brought out a different glass, handing it to me. "Water." He said, before I could ask. "Oh, great. Good idea." I commented, setting my other drink down. He slowly sipped on his water, his eyes on me nearly the entire time. I was watching whatever was on tv. I'd never seen it before..

It took him half-an-hour to drink the water. I'd finished mine, and the rest of my third drink...

He sat back down, handing me another one. "Quite the bartender." I said, laughing. He nodded. "I also found some cards. Figured we could play something." He stated, holding up a deck of cards. "Good idea." I commented, setting my drink down on the table. I got up, moving the stuff off the coffee table, and sitting on the floor. "Ok, come down here." I said, setting up the table to play a game I'd learned in college, and played quite frequently back then.

"So, what're we playing?" He asked, sitting down. "Bullshit." I said, dealing the cards out, and explaining the game. I'd never seen him lie, so I don't know what it looks like when he does. That makes the game a little more difficult. But, more fun..

The first time through, neither of us drank very much, as I tried to figure out Harry's tell, since everyone has one.. Each additional game, we drank more and more...

We played that, and then another game. It was now around 11:30. I was more drunk then I wanted to be, so I spent the last half-hour just drinking water. Harry was very drunk. Pretty close to how he was that night I had to take care of him.. And it definitely didn't help that the alcohol-content was higher in this, than what it is in most liquors.

Once it hit midnight, I stopped, deciding to go to bed. "Just, don't go anywhere. Sleep on the couch. Don't puke anywhere but in the bathroom." I said, brushing my teeth, and then getting in bed....


About an hour later, I heard a loud noise, and woke up. I groaned, knowing I had to go check to make sure he was fine.. I got up, walking out of the bedroom. Only the kitchen light was on, but I could see Harry lying in the middle of the floor out in the common area. I sighed, looking around. He'd finished the bottle, which he definitely shouldn't have done. It was way too much for one person.. I walked over, crouching down next to him. I realized I was still somewhat drunk, and fell off my heels. I sighed, staying-sitting down.

"Harry." I said, nudging his arm. Nothing. I sighed, shaking his shoulder a little. "Come on, you can't sleep here." I commented. I hesitated, looking at him. I reached over, holding two fingers against his neck. At first, I couldn't feel anything. But, after moving my fingers over a little, I relaxed, feeling his pulse. I watched him, making sure he was breathing. He was..

I sat there, wondering if he'd had too much too fast.. I got up, grabbing my phone and going back out. I googled "alcohol poisoning," and read through the symptoms..

"Blackout, amnesia, unresponsiveness, nausea/vomiting, aggression, lack of restraint, slow breathing." It continued to list out more. "Passing out, and can't be awakened; a person with alcohol poisoning who is unconscious or can't be awakened is at risk of dying.." I trailed off, watching him. I read through the rest of it. It was saying it was best to keep them conscious. I debated on calling Jeff, but knew he'd only yell at me for letting him drink..

"Harry." I said, leaning over him, trying to get him to wake up. I spent the next few minutes trying everything. He started coughing, and I used what strength I had to pull him so he was lying on his side.. But, he didn't throw up. He groaned, reaching up and grabbing his head, his eyes slowly opening. "Heyyy you'reawake." He slurred, barely understandable. I sighed. "Harry, you shouldn't drink that much. You could have alcohol poisoning." I commented.

"No, no no I'm okay." He got out, struggling to stand. I had to help him, which was more difficult since I still wasn't sober. "Ok, we're going to sit on the couch." I said, holding half of his weight up as we slowly walked over there. We were almost there when his foot got caught on the leg of the coffee table. That one small thing caused him to put more weight on me, which of course made me fall. And since I'd been holding him up, he also fell, landing on top of me on the hardwood floor.

I groaned, grabbing my head, which I'd hit pretty hard on the ground. He was about to blackout again. "Harry, wake up. You need to stay conscious." I said. But as I said it, I quickly became extremely lightheaded and passed out....

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