Part 82

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He still had the blade pressing into my neck, and I brought my hand up, gently touching the side of his neck. He tensed up. "Don't." He stated. I was internally freaking out. I didn't want to touch him at all; it made me uncomfortable. But I knew that it might distract him. It could also make him angry, and he could cut me.. I still had to try though..

I let my fingers softly drag down the side of his neck. "Stop." He said, watching my eyes. He hadn't moved the knife, and so I continued, slowly moving my hand down his chest. It was difficult, considering he was so close to me, and my arm had to be at a weird angle.. He was still tense, and I could feel Harry's eyes on me. They couldn't see what I was doing..

"That's cheating." He said quietly. I moved my hand, having to change the angle it was at.. I started at his hip, slowly sliding a single finger along the waistband of his jeans. "I'm not cheating. You said I couldn't manipulate you. I'm not doing that." I replied, looking at him, still doing what I was doing..

He dropped the knife, and it was now on the ground just above my left shoulder. "Stop." He stated. My parents and Harry were now confused.. I had to dig through my memories to think of what he liked about our relationship..

I'd stopped my finger near the center of his jeans, just above the button and zipper. He was watching me, obviously trying to focus on maintaining the eye contact. I lightly bit my lip, trying to think. It was hard, considering he'd changed a lot throughout the relationship..

"I'm not falling for it again." He said. "I'm not doing anything." I replied, moving my hand so it was by his leg, high up on his thigh, which I could barely reach. He was still tense, and I could tell he was about to break.. I moved my hand inwards just slightly. I didn't even make it to the center of his pants before he broke the eye contact, shutting his eyes and turning his head to the side.

I smirked, letting my hand fall back to my side. He looked down at me once more, before pulling himself off of me. "This isn't over." He stated, grabbing his phone from on the tv stand.

He didn't say anything else to my parents, and walked right out the door. My dad let go of Harry, who immediately rushed to my side.

I slowly sat up, still holding the ice to my stomach, grimacing at the pain. Harry put his arm around my shoulders, helping me. I leaned against the wall behind me, looking at my parents. "Are you going to let me leave?" I asked. My dad looked mad, as did my mom. I sighed, glancing over at Harry. "Can you go down to the lobby and ask if they have a first aid kit?" I asked..

He looked over his shoulder at my parents, then back at me. "I'll be fine, just go." I said. He hesitated, before standing and walking out of the hotel room, leaving me alone with my parents.

"Probably shouldn't have done that." My dad commented, and I looked back over at them. "You wanted money, right? That's why you came and found me? To get money for my disability?" I questioned. My dad nodded, his arms crossed over his chest. "How much?" I asked.

My mother seemed confused at that. I was using my left hand to hold the towel under my shirt. "Couple thousand." My dad answered. I sighed, trying to think. "If I give you the money, will you leave me alone? Forever?" I questioned. "What, you have that much extra money sitting around?" My mom asked, seeming skeptical of me.. I shrugged. "I mean, not really that much. But I have a bit. Just give me a number. And you can't change it, so choose wisely." I stated.

They both still seemed wary of what I was offering them. I rolled my eyes, adjusting my position against the wall when the cut on my stomach started hurting..

"Why would you want to give us money?" My mother questioned. "Because, I want you out of my life. Which, by the way, if you accept my offer, there's no coming back for more. This is a one time thing, and I never want to see you again after." I explained.. "Ok. Fine. $10,000." My dad stated, and I looked over at him.

"What the hell do you need ten-grand for? That's more than a couple thousand." I asked, not expecting him to ask for that much. "Do you want us out of your life or not?" He questioned. I rolled my eyes, looking over when Harry came back into the room. He had a first-aid kit, and set it down next to me..

"Ok. Um.." I tried to think about where to start. I had to use my left hand to hold the towel to my stomach, but also needed it to wrap my arm..

"Ok. You need to do exactly what I tell you." I said, and he nodded, opening the kit. "Go wash your hands and bring back a small towel soaked in warm water." I started, watching as he got up and went into the bathroom.

"Wow. So that's actually real, huh?" My mom questioned. I glanced in her direction. "What?" I asked. "Well, we just figured it was some sort of publicity stunt or something. But it's not. He somehow actually cares about you. Poor thing must be delusional." She elaborated. I rolled my eyes, and Harry came back out, holding the towel. I sighed, thinking. "Ok. Um. Take this towel off my arm, and gently clean around the cut, and over it, without making it bleed again." I explained..

He hesitated, before doing as I said. I winced when he went over the fresh cut.. Once he was done with that, he looked at me. "Take the gauze out of the box and carefully wrap it around my arm four times. Tight, but not too tight." I commented.....

Once he finished with my arm, I hesitantly took the towel off my stomach, seeing the cut was still bleeding, but not as bad as before. "Ok. Um. You're gonna do the same thing with the towel. Go warm it back up." I stated..

While he was in the bathroom, I could feel my parents staring at me. "So... Do you have the money or not?" My dad asked. I sighed, looking over at them. "Are you going to stay out of my life? For good?" I questioned. They both agreed. "Then yes, I have the money." I said....


It took Harry a while to clean and bandage the one on my stomach, since we couldn't use the gauze, and it was still bleeding. I'd managed to explain to him how to make a butterfly bandage out of what we had. Once that was over the wound, it was easier to cover with another bandage.. "Ok, do you think you can stand?" He questioned. I was hesitant to try, and he bent down, managing to carefully help me stand up.

"I'll meet you tomorrow, outside this hotel at Noon." I stated, looking over at my parents.. "And how do we know you'll actually show?" My dad asked. "Because, I want you out of my life. I'll be there." I said, turning back around and starting towards the door. Each step hurt the cut on my stomach, but I'd felt the pain before, so I managed to continue.

Harry followed me, walking closely beside me. "Why are you meeting them?" He questioned. I glanced in his direction, stopping and hitting the button to the elevator. "They need money. I told them I'd help them out, in exchange for me never seeing them again." I explained, stepping onto the elevator.. "How much?" He asked, following me. "It doesn't matter." I replied, looking down. The sweatshirt helped conceal my injuries. Almost like they never happened. Somehow my clothes hadn't gotten blood on them. Not exactly sure how, but I was glad for it....


We managed to get back to my apartment, and I stopped at the door after unlocking it. "You should go." I said, turning to face him. He sent me a look. "I'm not going anywhere. You could start bleeding again." He stated. I sighed. "Harry.. I've dealt with this on my own before." I replied. "Well, now you have me, so you aren't going to do this on your own." He said, walking past me and going into my apartment....

A/N: Publishing every other day for now <3

Edited: 6/1/2021

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