Part 43

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He had one of his hands lightly holding my jaw.. I hesitated, before wondering if maybe this would fix him. Maybe all he needs, is the idea that I don't completely despise him. So, I don't even have to do that much.. It should be relatively easy. Right?

Still hesitant, I brought my hand up, lightly touching his face, and kissing him back. I felt him smile into it, and he brought one of his hands down to my waist. He unknowingly placed his hand where I had a scar, and the flashback of getting it quickly shot through my mind. I pulled away, the memory still fresh in my mind, and pushed his hand off me.

He was looking at me. "You can't.." I said quietly. He gave me confused look. I hesitated, as I did with most things.. "The scars.. You can't touch them. It brings it back." I explained slowly, hating that he knew so much about me. He nodded, stepping forward again. He seemed to hesitate, before slowly pulling my shirt up, just enough to see where the scar was that he'd touched. That one was high up on my left ribcage.

His eyes traveled over to my tattoo, and he softly ran his thumb across it, before letting my shirt fall back down.. He brought his eyes up to meet mine again..

I still didn't understand why he liked me as much as he did. I mean, how did that happen? Why did it happen? He'd tried to explain it to me that one time, but it still didn't make much sense.

He was about to kiss me again, when Jeff walked into the kitchen. Harry took a step back. "Oh, didn't mean to interrupt. I'm just.. Gonna go back out, there." He commented awkwardly. I rolled my eyes. "No, don't do that. We were just finishing our conversation. I actually need to run some errands." I said, moving away from Harry.

"What, like last night?" He asked. "No. I'll only be an hour or so." I replied. "Ok. Well, we'll be here." He said. "Great. Try not to break anything. And, you can help yourself to anything in the fridge. Except for the vodka. Don't touch that, it was very expensive." I said, walking out of the room. I grabbed my coat, pulling it back on.

"So, where exactly are you going?" Harry questioned, coming out of the kitchen. "Just.. Out." I said, grabbing my wallet and phone. Then, I was out the door and down the street....


My errands consisted of me grabbing a quick coffee from the café. I ordered a second one, remembering Daniel's work-space is right down the road from here...

I walked into the rundown building, and up the stairs. He was standing in front of a massive canvas that was spread over one of the walls. "Hey." I said, and he looked over his shoulder. "Hey, I didn't think I'd see you today." He commented, smiling. I shrugged, walking over and handing him the other coffee. "Oh wow, thanks, I really needed this." He said, taking a sip and placing it on his work-table.

"What's this piece for?" I asked, watching as he continued to carefully paint colored-lines across a portion of it. "I'm donating it to an orphanage in Bordeaux. I was down there a few weeks ago, and the kids there were all so amazing. So, I decided I'd surprise them with this." He explained. "Wow. That's amazing. I really like it." I said, taking a few steps to the side, admiring the work he'd already gotten done. It was beautiful. "This is amazing." I commented. He laughed. "Thanks." He replied, taking another sip of his coffee..

"Alright, well I gotta go. I'll leave you to it." I stated, stepping away from the wall. He nodded, walking over. He kissed me really quick, lightly holding my wrist, before going back to his painting.. I went back down the stairs and out of the building...

I spent the next half-hour slowly walking back to my place. I'd decided to take the long way. It's got some really amazing buildings. Really old, but it only makes them more stunning to see..


I walked into my apartment, seeing Harry and Jeff sitting on the couch, watching something on tv. "Oh good, you're actually back." Jeff commented. I rolled my eyes, setting my coffee down on the counter, along with everything else I'd been holding. Which was basically just my keys, wallet, phone, and the receipt from the coffee place. I put it in the stack of receipts that I keep. I know, you don't really need to keep all of them. But, it's how I keep up with how much I spend..

I walked over, taking my shoes off, and sitting on the other couch. They continued to watch whatever they'd turned on. I had my laptop out, doing some work.

"Hey, Brynn?" I heard Harry ask after a few minutes. I looked up, then realized he'd gotten up at some point, and was over by the kitchen. "Yeah?" I asked. "This says you bought two coffees." He commented. I rolled my eyes. Of course he'd look at my receipt. "Yes, that's true. Glad you can read." I said, going back to typing out the code of a program I was fixing.

"Who was the other one for?" He questioned. I didn't look up. "Me. I drank one there, and got one to bring back." I lied, not even slightly pausing what I was doing. "Ok." He stated, walking over and sitting back on the couch...

After a few minutes, I got up, taking my jacket off and putting it in my closet. I walked back out, sitting down again. Harry was watching me, and I glanced in his direction. "Why're you staring at me?" I asked, annoyed. "You have paint on your arm." He commented. I sent him a confused look, and looked at my arm. There was indeed a small patch of green paint, from when Daniel touched my wrist.

"Oh yeah, you're right." I said, putting my arm back down and going back to what I was doing before..

"Why are you lying to me?" He asked, getting Jeff's attention too. But, he was talking to me. "Sorry? What am I lying about?" I questioned. "The coffee, the paint.. You were with someone. It's that guy, isn't it?" He stated, almost sounding jealous. I sent him a look. He was being really annoying about this whole thing.

"Could you chill the fuck out?" I asked. "Who is he?" He questioned, walking over to me. Before I could react, he grabbed my phone out of my hand and moved away from me.

"Excuse me? That's a huge invasion of privacy." I commented, getting up. "Only if you have something to hide. Which, you do. It's this guy, isn't it? This Daniel guy?" He questioned, reading through my text messages. I rolled my eyes. There was really no point in trying to stop him at this point, so I sat back down.

"This is where you were last night? In bed with some random guy?" He asked, turning and looking at me..

I shrugged. Jeff was watching me. "Brynn." He said. I glanced over at him. "Don't." He stated, warning me not to tell Harry any more about Daniel . I rolled my eyes. Harry was still reading through texts. "Is this helpful? Is reading those texts really helping you at all?" I asked. He didn't answer, and stopped scrolling. He'd probably reached the long paragraphs, which was Daniel and I discussing our non-relationship..

He read through the entire thing. Jeff was watching him now. "Harry.. Maybe you shouldn't be doing that." He commented. Harry ignored him..

After a few minutes, he turned off the phone, and held onto it, looking at me....

A/N: Love you guys, thanks for reading and voting thus far!

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