Part 31

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"You're mean. You know that, right?" He asked. I laughed. "Not only do I know it, I take pride in it." I replied, drinking some of the coffee.

"Why?" He questioned. I looked over at him for a second, before going back to eating my granola bar. "I don't need a reason for being who I am." I said, pulling a blanket down off the top of the couch and wrapping it around my shoulders. The rain was really coming down now, beating up against the windows behind me. "But, how do you do that? I mean.. I can't even imagine being that mean to anyone. And you do it everyday." He stated. I shrugged.

"Makes life exciting. I'm not here to make friends.. I have common courtesy, like holding doors open for people, giving up my seat for the elderly, not telling kids about Santa.. But there's no need for me to be nice all the time." I explained. "And there's a need for you to be mean all the time?" He asked. I looked back over at him.

"Did you not hear what I said? I'm not here to make friends." I commented. "That doesn't mean you have to be rude to people." He said, his arms crossed over his chest. I laughed. "If you don't like it, you can leave.. You can't change people, Harry. Don't you know that? That isn't your job. They have to learn it on their own." I stated. He was watching me.

"Have you always been like this?" He asked. I took a sip of my coffee, looking out the window. The rain had slowed down a little, but was still coming down pretty heavy.

I sighed, not looking at him. "No." I admitted, going over the faded memories of when I was a child. That was before my parents got really bad and I'd been forced to grow up fast..

He was watching me, but I wouldn't look at him, and didn't say anything.. He walked into my bedroom, and after a minute, came back out. I looked over at him, and he dropped a sweatshirt into my lap. "What's this for?" I asked. "You're coming with me." He said. I rolled my eyes, tossing the hoodie onto the coffee table. "No. Go by yourself. And I'm serious, go back to your hotel." I replied. "Brynn—" I interrupted him. "No, Harry. Leave." I stated.

He sighed, walking across the room. He grabbed my keys, glancing over at me. "Don't." I stated. He smiled and walked out of my apartment, shutting the door behind him. "Damn it." I muttered, getting up. I grabbed the sweatshirt, running after him to get my keys back. He was already down the stairs, and I quickly pulled the sweatshirt on, feeling the cold air hit my legs. He glanced over his shoulder, putting the keys in his pocket and walking out of my apartment complex. I ran after him, shutting the door behind me and quickly going down the stairs.

It was still raining a little, but not much. I pulled my hood up, stopping at the bottom of the steps. He was standing on the sidewalk, waiting. "Give me my keys." I said, holding my hand out. "Nope. You're coming with me. Besides, it's New York. I might need the extra security." He commented. He turned, and started walking. I groaned, quickly following him. I grabbed his arm, pulling him back to face me.

"Harry, I'm serious. I'm not going. Besides, my apartment is unlocked." I stated. He was looking at me. "And.. You don't have a security system with a bunch of cameras?" He asked. I sighed, not answering him. "Yep, that's what I thought. Come on." He said, continuing to walk. I reached out, barely grabbing the sleeve of the sweatshirt, stopping him. He turned back around.

"Brynn, can't you see I'm trying to walk? We're never going to get anywhere if you keep stopping me." He commented. I glanced over my shoulder, getting a weird feeling that I was being watched. But, upon closer inspection, there was no one.. I pushed the feeling away, looking back over at him. "Just.. Give me my keys." I said. It was raining a little harder now, and he grabbed my hand, gently pulling me so we were next to a building where the rain wouldn't hit us as much.

"I want you to come with me. And, if I give you your keys, you'll make me go back to my hotel and I won't see you for.. who knows how long." He replied, still holding onto my hand, probably so I wouldn't grab the keys and run.

"I don't want to, Harry. Besides, that's a good thing." I commented. "Please?" He begged. There were a few people roaming about. But, no one paid us any attention. That's the beauty of New York; no one gives a shit about anyone else.

"Harry.. No. Just, give me my keys." I said. He glanced over his shoulder, letting go of my hand.

"You really won't come with me?" He asked, turning and looking at me again. "No." I replied. "Okay. Well. I won't see you again, anytime soon." He commented quietly. "Yes, that's true." I said. I still had that really weird feeling, and looked over my shoulder again.

A few more people passed us, the rain dripping off their umbrellas, puddles beginning to gather in the dips of the street. I felt Harry's hand come up, softly pulling me back to look at him. His hand was still gently cupped around my jaw, his thumb sliding across my cheek. His fingers were cold, and wet from the rain.

"Harry. Again, with the touching.." I commented. He glanced over his shoulder again, then back at me. He didn't move his hand. I reached up, gently grabbing his wrist to pull it away. At the same time, he lifted my jaw up slightly, and bent down, kissing me...

Knowing we were in a very public place, I immediately pulled back. He let his hand fall. Before I could say anything, he took my keys out of his pocket and handed them to me. Then he turned and walked away, without another word....

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