Part 76

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A/N: Sorry for not updating yesterday, I had a test this morning that I was studying for <3

**** Six days later—New York ****

•• Brynn's POV ••

I'd gotten back to New York, and was annoyed to find out that the "urgent matter" was them wanting me to disable and remove my security cameras. Apparently someone had complained about them invading their privacy in the hallway.. I removed them, after they fined me for taking so long to do so..

I've been incredibly busy trying to finish packing this apartment up, and managing to convince Andrew to pack up my belongings over there, and have everything shipped overseas..

My phone started ringing next to me while I was taping a box shut. Without looking, I reached down, hitting answer.

"Finally. Brynn, why would you not answer your phone? I've called you a million times, and texted you just as much. Did you read them? Or at least listen to any of the voicemails?" Jeff asked. I looked down at my phone, before moving over to the next box to tape it shut..

"What? No, I'm too busy for all that. I thought I told you not to call me." I stated. I heard him sigh. "Brynn... Please tell me you remembered to buy the pill." He commented. I glanced up from what I was doing, confused. "What're you talking about? What pill?" I asked. He seemed to hesitate. "Harry told me what happened. How could you not remember?" He questioned, sounding impatient..

It hit me rather suddenly, and I froze, remembering that whole incident. I picked up my phone, checking the date. It had been nearly a week since it happened. I cursed under my breath, getting off the floor and going over to my computer. I set the phone down. "Brynn. Please tell me that you're on some type of birth control or something." He said. I was looking up emergency contraceptives. Everything said the same thing: After five days, the pill is all-but useless..

"I'm not." I replied, shoving one of my hands through my hair, hating myself for forgetting. How could I forget? I never forget stuff like this.

"Damn it." He muttered. "Is he there with you?" I asked. "No, he met up with Mitch and some of his other friends." He answered. "Fuck.. Ok. Um, just.. Don't tell him. I don't want him freaking out about it. I'll figure something out." I said, thinking over my options. They were limited at this point. I was going to try the E.C. anyway, just in case it did work..

"Do that. And be inconspicuous if you can. If it gets out that you're potentially pregnant, Harry will never hear the end of it." He stated, hanging up before I could respond. I sighed, setting my phone down. I ran my hands through my hair, silently cursing..

I got up, going into my room and pulling a hoodie out of my bag. I put it on, and left my hair down, quickly brushing through it with my fingers. I grabbed my wallet and sunglasses, walking out of the apartment. I locked the door behind me, and made my way down the stairs.. Once out on the street, I pulled my hood up, and started walking to the nearest convenience store.


I set the box down on the counter, keeping my sunglasses on, even inside. I also still had my hood up. "$45." The woman stated, putting the box in a bag. I pulled my card out, handing it to her. She looked down at it, before putting it in the chip-reader. I could feel her looking at me. I knew there was a good chance of this pill not working. But, I couldn't not try it..

She handed me back my card and I grabbed the bag, walking out of the store.. I held the bag close to my chest, in case anyone could see through it.

Once I got back to my apartment building, I started up the stairs. I finally reached my floor, and quickly stopped.. I quietly moved back down a few of the steps before he could see me, and hurried down to the floor beneath mine. I went through that door, going down the hall and around the corner..

I sighed, leaning against the wall.. Harry had been sitting outside my apartment, likely waiting for me.

Of course, the one time I actually need to go in there.. I seriously don't have time for this...

I looked around, seeing a trash-bin in the corner by the fire-exit.. I pulled open the bag, and opened the box. I took the pill out, and threw the bag and everything else away.. There was no way I could take it without water, and going back up to my apartment wasn't an option; so I put it back in the pocket of the sweatshirt. I pushed a loose piece of hair back under my hood, and walked back to the stairwell..

I thought about it for a few seconds, before going back downstairs and outside. I pulled my sunglasses down over my eyes again, and started walking the other way. I knew where I was going to go. There were only so many places I could go at this point.. I pulled my phone out, seeing that I had a few notifications. I hadn't turned them off from my old job, and saw that Harry had been tagged in way too much on Instagram recently. I opened the app, watching where I was walking at the same time.

Harry had been seen going into my apartment building about an hour ago, and I realized they'd also seen me leaving when I went to get the pill..

I cursed, looking down at my hoodie. Of course. It made me all-the-more recognizable. It was Harry's. The same black one that I'd worn a week ago, with his management's label on the front..

I made the decision to call Jeff, and held the phone to my ear, going down the steps to the subway.. "Yeah?" He answered. "What the hell is he doing here? I thought you said he was out with his friends." I stated.

"Who, Harry? Wait, where are you?" He asked. "I'm in New York. How did you not notice that he's been gone for over half the day? He had to fly all the way over here." I questioned, and heard him sigh. "I didn't think about it. Sometimes he's with the guys for days. Did you talk to him?" He asked. "No. He was sitting outside my apartment when I got back from buying this damn pill that probably won't even work. I left before he could see me. Jeff, you need to tell him to go back to wherever you are." I said.

"Well clearly he doesn't want to be where I am. You should just talk to him, Brynn." He commented. "Can't do that. Besides, I'm getting on the train so I have to hang up." I said, just as my phone signal cut out. I sighed, walking down the last few steps.. I was holding onto the pill, keeping my hands in my pocket as I got on the train I needed to be on.

I just needed to get away from him...

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