Part 92

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"Let go of me." I stated, trying to pull my arm out of his grasp as he forced me to walk down the stairs.
"Sorry, can't do that." He replied. I could hear Harry run out of my room and down the hall.

Andrew came out of the kitchen, but couldn't grab Ryan before he shoved me out the front door. I stumbled over my feet, but managed to stay standing. He shut the door, which was then reopened as Harry and Andrew came out of the house.

Ryan grasped my arm again, but was quickly pulled away from me when Andrew grabbed him and shoved him as hard as he could. Of course, Ryan being the psychopath he is, laughed..

"Don't touch her. I thought I told you never to come back here." Andrew stated, getting up in Ryan's face. "Well, either I'm openly welcomed into your home, or Brynn can come stay with me." He replied. "Ok, well that isn't happening." Andrew said, getting between him and I.

I glanced over as Anne came out of the house. "She can stay with me." She commented. Ryan laughed. "I know where you live." He replied, and she looked over at him.

"How?" She asked. "I know everything there is to know about Brynn, and nearly everything about your son." He answered, trying to walk back over to me. Andrew stood in his way.

"Buddy, we both know I'm stronger than you. I recommend moving. Now." Ryan stated. I recognized that he was getting angry, and instinctively took a step back. Harry looked over at me, seeing me move.

"Andrew." I said, watching as the look in Ryan's eyes changed to one that I knew all-to well. Andrew looked over his shoulder. "It's fine. I'll be fine." I commented, wishing he would listen to me. "Please." I begged, watching as he hesitated, before moving out of the way.

Ryan walked over. I took a few steps back, but not before he could roughly grab my arm again and push me towards a car that was in the driveway. "You got a car?" I asked, confused. "Get in." He stated, not actually answering me. I hesitated, and he quickly turned me, shoving me against the side of the car, his forearm across my throat.. "You get in the car, and do as I say, or I'm going to kill everyone here." He threatened quietly, his temper becoming even worse.. I nodded, and he let go of me..

I glanced over my shoulder, but got in the car before he could hurt any of them. He shut the door, and got in the other side..

He quickly pulled out of the driveway and down the road. "I'm getting real sick of your brother." He stated, obviously still pissed. I didn't respond. After about twenty minutes of driving, I didn't know where we were.

"Where are you taking me?" I questioned, looking out the window as he pulled off onto a dirt road.

"This place I've been staying. You'll like it; it's got that vintage style that you like." He replied, glancing over at me. "Why couldn't we talk there?" I asked, confused. "Because, there were too many people. You know I hate that." He answered, pulling up in front of an old house, surrounded by fields.

"Besides, this way I get you to myself." He commented, getting out after turning the car off. I hesitated, before pushing the door open and following him..

I realized I didn't have my phone, which meant there was no way for me to call for help if I needed it. And I had a feeling that I would...

I ended up following him into the house, where he proceeded to go into the kitchen. "Here." He said, walking out and handing me a mug. I looked down at it, smelling it.

It was the same type of tea he'd bought for me at the café. I hesitated. "There's no drugs in it." He stated. I bit my lip, but ended up drinking it anyway. After all,  I'd started with the nausea and the weird cravings part of the pregnancy..

"So, I assume you told Harry about me wanting the child." He commented from where he was sitting on the couch.. I nodded. "And, what'd he say?" He asked.

"He didn't understand why you wanted it." I replied. "I see.. Well, nothing has changed." He said. I looked at him. "Ryan.. You can't have it." I commented. He stood up, quickly walking over to me. I stood my ground this time, fighting every instinct in my body that was telling me to run..

"I want it." He stated, stopping right in front of me. I shook my head. "You don't. You want me." I responded.. "Ok. Well, then what? You want to make a deal or something?" He asked, and I hesitated. "Ok then. Fine. We can do that." He replied, taking my hesitation as an answer..

"That singing buffoon can have the child. In exchange for you." He offered. "Ryan.. I don't want to. Please. I can't be with you.." I explained. "It's one or the other, Brynn. I either get the child, or you." He said, and I shook my head. "I can't.. You can't make me do this. I'll call the police." I tried, immediately regretting it when he shoved me into the wall.

"You know better than to do that. And you know better than to threaten me. It hasn't been that long; I'm sure you remember the rules."He explained, tightly gripping my wrist. I grimaced. "Don't. Please. Just let me go, Ryan. I can't give either one to you." I commented.

"Ok then." He stated, grabbing my arm and easily throwing me to the ground. I groaned, holding the back of my head. "I'll give you some time to think about your decision. Maybe you'll come to your senses." He said, gripping my arm and dragging me through a doorway. I struggled to my feet, quickly running towards the door. But he was already out of the room, and had slammed the door shut, locking it behind him.

I looked around, my head still spinning a little from hitting it on the floor. There were no windows, and no other way out of the room. I sighed, rubbing the back of my head and sitting on the edge of the bed.. It was like being back in the relationship all over again.

I can never escape him...

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