Part 83

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** Still May 17th, 2021 **

"Can you please just leave?" I asked. We'd gotten back an hour ago, and he was now lying on my couch.."No." He replied. I sighed, looking at him. "Why?" I questioned. He shrugged. "I feel like I should be there when you meet your parents. To make sure they don't try anything.. Also, you went through a lot today, and I want to be here for you." He explained..

"I don't need a babysitter, Harry. I'm an adult woman, and I can handle myself." I replied. "I know that. I'm not babysitting you. I just want to keep you company; why won't you let me?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. "You know why.  You met three of the reasons why today." I stated. He nodded. "Come here." He said, motioning for me to come over to where he was.

"No." I replied, staying seated at the table. "Please?" He asked, his eyes trained on me. "No." I stated, getting up and walking across the room and into my bedroom......

**Next Day**

I'm currently waiting outside my parents' hotel. Harry insisted on coming, and was wearing a hoodie with sunglasses on. As if that's ever stopped him from being identified..

"Didn't think you'd show." I heard from behind me. I turned around. "You'll stay away? Forever?" I questioned, just wanting to cut to the chase. "Yes. Do you have the money?" My dad asked. I pulled the check out of my back pocket. Harry immediately took it from me, taking a step back and unfolding it. "What the hell? No. You aren't giving them this." He stated, looking back down at it..

"Harry, give me the check. This isn't even any of your business." I commented. "Brynn, you can't give them this." He said. I rolled my eyes. "I swear.. Harry, this isn't about you. It doesn't concern you at all." I stated, quickly taking the $10,000 check out of his hands and handing it to my father. He looked down at it, flipping it over to make sure it was real.

"Brynn—" Harry tried to take it again, and I grabbed his wrist, pulling him back. "Stop it." I stated.. "Alright, great." My dad said.. They turned and walked away without another word, and I faced Harry. "Brynn, why the hell did you give them $10,000?" He asked. "Harry, just leave it alone." I commented, walking across the traffic-filled street.

He took a little longer to cross the road than I did, but managed to catch up to me again. "I'm serious. Why did you give them that? After everything they did to you?" He questioned. I ignored him, making my way back to my apartment...


He'd followed me all the way back, and is now showering in my bathroom. He's seriously trying to piss me off... After ten minutes, he walked out wearing just his shorts, and went into the kitchen, getting water..

I was lying on the couch, watching tv.. "Hey, Brynn?" He asked, walking out of the kitchen. "What?" I replied, not bothering to look at him. He didn't say anything, and I finally looked up, seeing him standing across the room. He had a receipt in his hand. "What is this?" He asked.

"How am I supposed to know, when you're the one holding it?" I questioned, annoyed. He walked over, handing it to me. I looked at it. "That dumb pill I had to buy because of you." I replied, shoving it back into his hand and going back to watching my show..

"Ok.. Well why does it say you bought it yesterday? You bought it before then, right?" He asked. I hesitated, before glancing over at him. "Brynn.. Seriously? That was like a week ago." He commented, his tone changing, triggering a different part of my brain. I shoved that feeling away, and shrugged. "I forgot." I replied quietly, looking back over at the tv.

"Ok, well you do realize this pill doesn't work miracles, right? It's called the morning-after pill for a reason. You waited a whole week to take it." He said. I rolled my eyes. "First of all, it's your fault I even needed it in the first place. Secondly, I'm busy, and want you to leave." I stated.

"No. I can't leave. 'Cause now I have to deal with this." He said. "You don't have to deal with anything. I'm handling it." I replied. "You're handling it?" He asked. "Yes. So you don't have to worry about it; I'm not having any of your kids." I commented, going back to watching the tv.

"So, what then? You're going to get an abortion?" He asked. I shrugged. "If I need one, sure." I replied. He walked over, sitting on the couch down by my feet. He didn't say anything, and I glanced in his direction. "What do you want now?" I asked, seeing that he had been watching me. "You can't just kill an innocent child." He said. I rolled my eyes. "It's not a child, Harry. I have to wait like a week for it to actually test positive, and then I'll go get rid of it. It won't be anything but an embryo. It's what my mother should've done." I explained.

He was still just looking at me, not saying anything. "I'm not having a child.. Especially not with you." I stated. "Is there something wrong with me?" He questioned. "Yes. You're clingy, obsessive, and annoying." I replied. "That's not what I meant. Why do you say that you wouldn't have a child, especially not with me?" He asked. I laughed.. "Because, I'm 23 years old. I don't want a child. And you shouldn't want one either. You're in the prime of your career." I replied.

He was just looking at me again. "Can you leave? This is honestly none of your business." I commented. "Um, yes it is. It's mine." He replied. I laughed. "There's nothing even there, Harry." I said. "It's still mine." He stated.

"Dude.. Please just fucking leave. I didn't ask for you to be here. Besides, even if I had the child, which there's absolutely zero chance of me doing, you wouldn't be in its life. Hell, I wouldn't be in its life." I explained.

"What do you mean?" He asked, confused. "Do you seriously need me to explain everything? I mean, honestly this is getting exhausting." I said, looking at him.

He motioned for me to continue. "I'd give it up." I stated. He pinched his eyebrows together. "What? Why?" He questioned. I sighed. "Because, you've met me. I'm not a mother. I would want that child to have a chance at a good life. I couldn't give that to them. I don't feel the emotions needed to properly raise a child. I mean, you see how fucked up I turned out." I explained to him. He shook his head. "That's different.. I would help you." He replied.

I sent him a look. "Harry, this isn't actually happening. All of it's hypothetical. I'm not having any children, ever." I commented. He shoved his hands through his hair.

"Stop overreacting. Just pretend like it never even happened. Hell, if you hadn't come here, you wouldn't even know." I said..

"What's wrong with you? You seriously don't see how horrible it is to kill a baby? That's a person. You're literally giving life to someone, and you don't see what's so wrong with taking it away?" He questioned. I rolled my eyes again. "I'm tired of explaining this to you. You know I don't care about other people, or their emotions.  I don't have the ability to feel empathy; it's just not there. So, I think you should leave, and pretend nothing even happened." I said.

"I can't pretend it never happened. And I can't just leave, knowing that there's a chance you could be pregnant with my child." He commented. "Oh my god... Again, it doesn't matter either way. Even if I am pregnant, I'm not keeping it. I'm sorry that's so difficult for you to understand, but it's who I am. You can't just assume that I'm going to change that, just because you think I should be a different way. That's not what this is going to be. Ever. I am who I am. I'm sorry that you don't like that. So.. You can leave. I'm telling you that you can leave. You have an out." I replied.

"I'm not leaving." He stated, standing up and going into my room, lying down on one side of my bed.. Great, now I have to deal with two babies.....

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