Part 68

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** Still May 10th, 2021 **

It's 3:50PM now, and Harry is just now getting out of the shower. I'm still just watching my show. He walked out of my room with just a towel around his waist, his hair still dripping wet. "Seriously? Did you even try to dry off? These are hardwoods, Harry." I stated, seeing that he literally hadn't dried off at all, and was leaving wet footprints on my nice floor. He looked over at me. "Where's Jeff?" He asked, completely ignoring my statement. "He left. Went back to the café." I replied..

He nodded, picking his phone up off the coffee table and checking the time. 3:53.. "Alright, I'll be back. I have to get dressed. During the call, you need to stay quiet. They can't know you're here." He said.. "Literally my apartment, but ok." I commented. He laughed, and then went back into my room, which is where the only bathroom is...

The clock hit 4:00, and Harry was still not back out here.. At 4:01, his phone started ringing. They were FaceTiming him. "Your phone's ringing." I said, half-caring.  A second later, he ran out of the room, clumsy as ever, tripping over one of his shoes that he'd kicked off earlier.  His hair was still wet, and he hadn't put a shirt on. What could he possibly have been doing, for him to barely be ready after nearly ten minutes?

He hit the answer button, but stayed out of the picture as he pulled a hoodie on. He put the hood up, picking his phone up as they started talking to him. He sat down on the couch.

"Ah, there he is." One of the people said on the other line. "Yeah, sorry 'bout that. Just got done showering." He replied. I reached over, grabbing the remote and muting the tv. He glanced in my direction, but only very briefly.. "Well, it's good to finally see your face. I think a lot of your fans would agree with that. It's been quite a while." The guy commented. Harry smiled a little, but didn't say anything.

"Speaking of that, is it true that you're in Paris right now?" The man asked. They could probably see some of my apartment behind him, but they wouldn't know it was mine. "That's correct." He said. "You know, I think we'd actually all like some clarity on that. I do apologize if this is too intrusive right off the bat. But, you were in the hospital for nearly a month, from what we've seen. And, you've been photographed with a young woman many times while you've been there, as well as in a few other cities.. You scared a lot of people when that video came out of you being put in the ambulance, along with who we can only assume, was that same woman. I think we'd all like to know what happened there. If you don't mind speaking about it." The guy continued, obviously trying to be as polite as possible. All of that being what Jeff told him not to talk about, and he knew it..

"That's a loaded question." Harry said, hesitating. "I think I'm going to have to not answer that for now, or even confirm any of it." He commented. "Ok, ok. You're alright though?" The man asked. "Yes, I am." Harry replied, smiling.. He made a motion with his hand, without looking at me.

I looked over at him. He was trying to do sign language with one hand, where the camera couldn't see. I understood, and got up, going into my room and grabbing his phone charger from his bag. "Are there any new songs in the works?" I heard the guy ask. I walked back out, handing it to him. "Thanks." He said, plugging his phone in. "Sorry 'bout that, my cell was low." He commented, and I sat back down on the other couch.

"And, it's hard to say right now. I'm writing a bit. Haven't gotten to the studio yet, but we're in the process." He answered their question.. "Can we ask who's there with you?" The guy asked. I mentally cursed. He'd thanked me when I gave him his charger, and they'd noticed. Of course.

He hesitated. I wasn't sure what he would say to them. If he said Jeff, they might ask to see him. If he said he had friends over, they might not believe that, considering he's in a different country than most of his friends..

"I've got some friends here, actually." He lied. "Oh, alright.. So, may we ask why you chose France to vacation in for so long?" The guy asked. "Yeah. I've toured here a few times, but never really got to spend enough time in the city. It's really a nice change from my normal-routine, and allows me to clear my head." He explained. "I see.. So then, it's a personal trip." The man stated. He was trying to trip Harry up. But Harry was hesitant with all the questions, trying to make sure he didn't reveal anything..

"Yeah. Something like that. Kind-of a writing trip. I've been doing a bit of writing." He answered. "I see.." The guy said. I could tell just by the tone of his voice that he wanted to ask Harry something. I made a motion with my hands and quickly signed Harry.

"Was there something you wanted to ask me?" He asked. I just wanted to know. I like when people get things out in the open, especially if it's entertaining to listen to...

"Sort of. Your fans have been blowing up my comments, and I think we're also curious here at the studio." He trailed off, hesitant. Harry laughed. "Now I'm curious." He commented. I figured I already knew what they were going to ask.. "Does the name Brynn Matthews mean anything to you?" The guy asked. Harry coughed into the elbow of his hoodie; an obvious way of stalling..

"I feel like the hesitation could be taken as an answer, but I'd still like to hear what you have to say about it. And, again, you don't have to answer if you feel the question's too intrusive or anything." The man said.. Harry should've prepared for this question. There was no easy way to answer it.

If he lies and says no, they'll know he's lying because they have pictures to prove he knows me. If he says we're friends, they won't believe it, they have photos of us kissing in New York.. I don't even think I'd know how to answer it. I felt slightly guilty, considering they might not have asked him that, if I hadn't told him to ask what they wanted...

"I do know someone with that name." He finally said, and I heard the guy laugh. I was watching him. "I see.." He replied, hesitant. But, he continued. "And, does this person maybe have any relevant place in your life? Maybe a friend of yours, co-worker.. Anything like that?" He asked. Harry laughed, knowing what he was actually asking..

"She was one of my personal-trainers for a bit, to help me stay healthy during my tour. She no longer works for me." He replied. "Right. Makes sense.. Moving on." The guy replied, switching topics..

He started talking about Harry's fans and his last tour, so I zoned back out.. After maybe five minutes, Harry put his phone down on the table, leaning back on the couch. The call was over. He shoved his hands through his hair.. "Could've gone worse. You could've told them you were an alcoholic, overdosed, got heart surgery and went into a coma." I commented. He laughed.

"Well, Jeff won't be happy. I basically said that you don't work for me anymore, but we've obviously been seen together recently, meaning something else is going on." He explained. I rolled my eyes. "Well, technically they can't say we're dating, because that will never actually happen." I replied. He looked at me. "So then what're we doing now?" He asked.. I sighed, annoyed at having to explain myself to everyone over and over..

"I don't put labels on things. I think it's pointless, and they don't make sense. The words 'girlfriend and boyfriend' literally are saying your friends.. A 'relationship' could be defined in many different ways.." I trailed off, uncomfortable with the way he was watching me.  "What about marriage?" He asked. I laughed a little.  "I don't see the point of it. Why do you have to legally bind yourselves together? You can spend the rest of your life with the same person without all of that. But no, the government and society wants you to have some huge ceremony where they then give you a certificate of proof.. Such bullshit." I replied, lying back down..

He looked like he was thinking about it. "So then.. Ok, I have another question for you."

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