Part 44

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"You were being serious." He said, looking at me. Definitely wasn't expecting him to be so calm after that. "Of course. I'm always serious." I replied..

"What's the point of sleeping with someone that you don't even feel a connection with?" He asked, confused.

I glanced in Jeff's direction, but didn't care at this point. He'd heard enough, that it didn't matter how much more he heard.. "Do you remember when you said that you were someone who needed physical contact to feel human? And I said that the need for that goes away?" I asked. He nodded. "It's like that, but not. I'm not capable of feeling things for other people; so is it really so bad if I pretend that I do sometimes?" I questioned. "It makes you feel more human." He said, watching me.

I nodded, realizing I was actually a little uncomfortable talking about this in front of Jeff.

"So.. You don't feel anything towards him? At all?" He asked. "As I said, I'm not capable of those emotions. So, no. I don't." I replied. He sighed, sitting down next to me, running a hand through his hair. He handed me my phone back..

"That's it?" Jeff questioned. Harry and I both looked at him. "I mean, you were pissed at her before when you found out she was sleeping with this guy. And now you don't care?" He asked.

Harry shrugged. I felt his leg run into mine, since I was sitting with my legs on the couch, criss-cross..

"It was the idea of her having sex with this guy, and her actually having feelings for him or whatever. But, if it's just meaningless sex, it doesn't really matter." He explained. "It's meaningless, right?" He asked, looking over at me. "Completely." I replied..

"What.." Jeff sighed. "I will never understand either of you." He commented. I shrugged.


The remainder of the afternoon went by quickly. I rinsed off in the shower, and changed into a t-shirt and sweatpants.

I walked back out, looking around. Jeff was asleep on the couch, as it was getting near midnight. I didn't see Harry, and knew instantly where he was. I glanced back into my room, seeing him knocked out on one side of my bed..

I wasn't really sure what to do. I didn't want to sleep in there with him. I knew he'd end up on my side of the bed.. I grabbed my phone, walking out onto the porch and calling Daniel. He picked up after a few rings.

"Hey, what's going on? Are you alright?" He asked. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Did I wake you?" I asked. "Yeah, but that's okay." He replied, sounding tired. I glanced over my shoulder, seeing Jeff still asleep. "I might head over there. I can't really sleep in my bed." I said.

"Oh. Okay, sure. I'll leave the door unlocked for you." He commented. "Great, I'll see you soon." I said, hanging up.. I walked back inside, quietly shutting the door back behind me. I went into my room, silently grabbing my phone charger. I turned to walk back out, and made it to the door—"Brynn?" Harry said, and I sighed, stopping. I'd almost made it.

I turned back around. "Yeah?" I asked. "What're you doing?" He questioned, sitting up. It was pretty dark in the room. The dim street lamps from outside helped a little. "Oh. Um, just grabbing my charger." I said, holding it up. "Are you going somewhere?" He asked. I had my keys in that same hand; he'd noticed..

I sighed, running my free hand through my hair. "Um. Yeah, I didn't really feel comfortable sleeping here. So, I was gonna go to Daniel's." I explained, not wanting to lie to him at this point. "Oh. Okay." He said. I could tell it bothered him, but he didn't say anything more..

I turned, and walked out, leaving my apartment...


The next morning, I woke up to Daniel's alarm going off. He rolled away from me, turning it off, and then moving back towards me.. He slid his arms around my waist, pulling himself closer to me. He'd learned where he could put his hands, knowing where each scar was. He'd asked me once where they were from. But when I told him I wasn't comfortable talking about it, he never asked me again.

"I'm glad you decided to come over. I always sleep better when you're here." He commented. I looked over at him. "So, you wanna do it really quick before I have to leave?" He asked. I laughed, but for some reason hesitated.. But, I pushed that feeling away. "Sure, why not." I replied.....


"I'm so sorry. I couldn't. I waited too long, and then it was just.." He trailed off, out of breath. "Whatever, it's fine." I said, rolling over and grabbing my phone. Jeff had called me twice, and Harry had called me a few times too.

I set my phone back down, glancing over at him. He was looking at me. "You're so beautiful." He murmured, pushing my hair over my ear, his thumb softly sliding across my cheek. "Thanks. You should probably go. You'll be late for work." I said. He nodded, getting up and going into the bathroom.

I let my head fall back against the pillows, thinking...
After a few minutes, he was dressed, and out the door.. I got up, going into the bathroom. I rinsed off in the shower, and brushed my teeth when I got out..

I quickly finished getting ready, not having much time to do anything. I'd changed into a pair of shorts and one of his hoodies.. I pulled the hood up, and grabbed my phone and keys before walking out...

I got back to my apartment after grabbing a cup of coffee. My hair was still wet from the shower. "Finally." Jeff commented. I dropped my keys onto the counter. "Sorry, didn't know you were waiting for me." I replied, not sure why they were waiting..

I turned back around. Jeff was sitting in the chair, and Harry was on the couch. "Wow, rough night?" Jeff asked. I went over, sitting on the other couch, drinking my coffee. "Something like that." I commented, setting it down on the table. Harry was watching me. "Something's different. What's wrong with you?" He asked, and I glanced over at him. "I'm tired." I said. He seemed to be thinking about it.

"So, why were you guys calling me this morning?" I asked. "Oh, so you did get those calls. Just chose to ignore them." Jeff commented. I looked at him. "I was busy." I replied, taking my coffee off the table and drinking more of it.

"Right.. Ok. Well, I was calling, because Harry mentioned that you left last night. Are you ever going to stay here, or should we just expect you not to be here all night?" He asked.

"Chill out. I'm not going to stop living my life, just because you decided to come visit." I stated. My phone went off, and I picked it up, reading the text. It read: "Thanks for this morning." with a heart at the end. I rolled my eyes, putting it down, and standing up. I walked over, grabbing my keys. "Excuse me, where are you going now?" Jeff called out from across the room.

"Calm your tits, I'll be back." I said, walking out. I kept my hood up, going straight to the pharmacy. I grabbed the emergency contraceptive, paid for it, and then left. I kept the bag in the pocket of the sweatshirt, and went back up to my apartment. I hesitated, realizing they'd see the box and know.. I sighed, going down the hall and into the stairwell. I pulled the bag out, opening the box and taking the pill out.

I couldn't take it without water, so I put the pill back in my pocket, and disposed of the box in a trashcan on the floor below mine. Let's just hope they don't see me take it and start asking questions...

A/N: Publishing pt.45 today too**

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