Part 78

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"Harry.. You're really pissing me off. I want you to leave." I repeated. He shook his head. "I'm not leaving. I can't do that. I need to see you. I need to be able to talk to you when I want.. I need you in my life." He commented. "I don't need you in mine, Harry. That's the difference." I replied. He looked at me, a hurt look briefly flashing though his eyes. I mentally cursed at myself for taking it too far..

"Yeah?" He asked. I shrugged, hesitant to push it any further. "That's really cold, Brynn.. Why would you say that?" He questioned. "Because, Harry. You can't do this to me. You've known from the beginning who I am, and what I don't want.. Did you think you could change me? That I would change, if you gave it time? Because.. I'm not. That isn't who I am. And you deserve so much more then having to chase me around like this. Please, Harry. Just go find someone who deserves you. Please." I replied. He was watching me.

He shook his head. "Don't... Please, just give me a chance, Brynn. Why do you have to keep leaving? I just want to be with you." He commented. I sighed, looking at him. "I can't, Harry. I've told you that.." I said, guilt hitting me when his eyes changed, revealing his emotions.. "Please." He begged. "No. You need to leave." I stated, having to ignore the look in his eyes.. He shook his head again. "I'm not leaving." He replied. I rolled my eyes. "Ok. Well if you aren't, then I am." I said, going across the room and pulling a grey hoodie on. I grabbed my keys off the counter and walked out of the apartment. He ran after me, shutting the door behind him..


Once out on the street, both of us had our hoods up. I had my sunglasses on as well, and crossed the street, not bothering to watch out for cars.

He carefully followed me, having to dodge a few taxis. Eventually, he caught up to me. "Harry, I'll never give you what you want. So why do you still try and get it?" I asked, turning a corner.. "Because of the way you make me feel, Brynn." He replied. I glanced in his direction. "Which is what exactly? 'Cause all I do is say hurtful things towards you." I commented. He shook his head, following me as I crossed another street..

"Even when you're saying those things.. Something in me just feels.. whole when I'm around you." He said. "Right. Well, for future reference, when a girl tells you no, you should listen to her." I replied. I saw him roll his eyes. "No. Because I think you're just trying to protect yourself. I'm a good guy, and I treat you well. But you don't want to give into that because of everything that's happened to you." He explained. I sent him an annoyed look. "Everything that's happened to me? Harry, did you ever think that maybe I just don't want to be with you? Because you've shown me that I don't want a guy who can't be without me for five minutes? I need my space." I stated.

He started to say something, and then grabbed my arm, pulling me to a stop when I nearly ran into someone. They were standing directly in my way. I looked up, and fear immediately flooded into my brain. I took a step back. "You're a hard one to track down, Brynn." My father stated. Harry looked over at me, confused. "We've been looking everywhere for you. Luckily, your boyfriend here has made that very easy for us. All we had to do was look on the Internet, and your face is all over the place." He continued. I glanced in Harry's direction, not able to find any words to say.

"Well, do we not get hugs? It's been years since we last saw you." My mom questioned. I shook my head, taking another step back. "Why? Why were you looking for me?" I got out.

"What, we can't wonder what our daughter's been up to?" She asked. Harry looked at me, and then over at them.. I felt him gently grab my wrist, and he pulled me behind him, standing between me and them.. "Ah, so she told you." I heard my mom say.

"You should go." Harry stated. "No, actually. I don't think we should. We need to have a little chat with our daughter. Come, let's go somewhere a little more private." My mom said, motioning across the street to a hotel. Harry was still holding onto me, but I didn't care. I was just terrified that they'd found me..

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