Part 14

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"So then.. You saw.. Everything." He said, obviously trying to make this as uncomfortable as possible. I sent him an annoyed look. "First of all, why the hell are you so embarrassed and awkward about all this? You've slept with your fair share of women. Beautiful, incredible women. Why the hell are you acting like it's a big deal? Secondly, no, I didn't see your dick. I made sure of that, despite your many attempts to show it to me." I commented, walking out of the bathroom.

"Oh. Well then, good.. I guess." He said, following me out into the main room. His phone started ringing before he could continue talking.

He pulled it out, answering it, putting it on speaker.

"Yeah?" He asked, looking at me. I was making the coffee that the hotel provides you with. It probably won't be very good. But, coffee is coffee..

"Harry, where are you? Why does your phone location say that you're at some different hotel? We need to be getting to Ft. Lauderdale." Jeff questioned.

"I'm with Brynn." He replied, doing quick sign language to me, asking to make him a cup. He's lucky I know sign language. I nodded..

"Why? You're going to be late." Jeff stated. "I know. I just had to talk to her, and clear the air about a few things." Harry responded. The coffee finished after another minute of them talking, and I poured his cup, handing it to him.

"Ok, well listen. Brynn actually has my car. So, how about you two just drive down there. It's a four hour drive. But, I gotta go. Tell her to drive carefully, please." He said, hanging up.. Harry set his mug down, grabbing the cream and sugar packs and fixing his coffee the way he likes it..

I walked out onto the balcony, sitting down with my mug, hoping he'd leave, even though I knew he couldn't.

"So, um. We should probably get going." He commented, stepping out onto the balcony after a few minutes. I was sipping my coffee, enjoying the view from the hotel. "Uh huh. Ok." I said, not looking at him...


The drive there was very long, and annoying. Harry used it to torture me as much as possible with his constant questioning. We had to make a pit-stop at his hotel to get his stuff, but then we were on the way. It was hours of him never shutting up.

I groaned, looking at him. "Could you please just shut the fuck up? You're pissing me off. I don't want to talk to you." I stated, my eyes making their way back to the road.

"Fine. You're mean. I don't want to talk to you anyway." He said, crossing his arms over his chest, pouting like a five year old. I rolled my eyes, enjoying the silence for the next five minutes.

"Are we almost there?" He asked. "Thought you weren't talking to me." I commented, not looking at him. He didn't respond, and I nodded. Another minute of peace and quiet passed before he turned to face me.

"So, why are you so mean? Did your ex boyfriend hurt you or something? And so you closed yourself off to people?" He questioned. I groaned. "I'm not telling you about any of my past relationships." I stated. He was watching me.

I flipped on my turn signal, speeding up and getting into the left lane of I-75..

"So, you've had more than one.. Interesting." He said. I rolled my eyes, glancing in his direction. "I'd like the sweatshirt back, since apparently you wanted to claim it as your own. I still have to return it to him." I stated. He laughed, pulling it off and tossing it to me. I threw it over my shoulder, into the backseat.

"Tell me something about yourself. Anything." He said, carefully eyeing me. I glanced in his direction. "No." I replied, pulling off the exit to Ft. Lauderdale.

"Oh come on, just one thing. Give me your favorite color." He commented. "No." I repeated.

I picked up my phone, calling Jeff, and holding the phone to my ear. Harry grabbed my phone, putting it on speaker. I glared at him, and was about to try and take it back from him when Jeff answered. "Are you in Florida yet?" He asked.

"Yes, she's being mean to me. Tell her to stop." Harry commented. I sent him an annoyed look, stopping at a red light. "He's being so fucking annoying, Jeff. Where can I drop him off? 'Cause I'm about to just throw him out on the street." I stated, snatching my phone out of his hand.

"Listen, you two need to get over your hatred for each other. Brynn, you can drop Harry at his hotel. I already booked you your reservation as well; I'll send you that address. It's business-as-usual. Except, I have your car and you have mine. So, we'll have to switch back." He said. "Great, I'll talk to you later." I replied, hanging up.

Harry and I spent the rest of the ride not talking. He got out of the car in front of his hotel, grabbing his bag from the backseat. He left without another word, and I drove off, going a few miles down the road and parking the car at my hotel. I grabbed the sweatshirt from the backseat, and my bag.

I saw a guy sitting on the curb with a camera, and pulled my sunglasses down over my eyes. I locked the car, then made my way up to my room..

I spent the rest of the afternoon doing my regular job, of taking Harry's bad publicity off the Internet. It took a while, and I hadn't done it in a few days, so there was a few things that had already gotten too out of control.....

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