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Don't hate on the angels or I'll break your neck
But fr I know they were dicks in Exhale but this is a different book and it's low-key sad for me to see I started an Angel hate club :( but anyway enjoy

Don't hate on the angels or I'll break your neckBut fr I know they were dicks in Exhale but this is a different book and it's low-key sad for me to see I started an Angel hate club :( but anyway enjoy

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"You know Na-eun I don't think Jaemin knows what he's doing to be honest." Aria commented, watching her Guardian Angel attempt to tell off a teenager from accidentally hitting the girl.

Na-eun sighed and shook her head at her boyfriend, glancing at the girl besides her.
"He's really protective of you, you know...you're his first mission and it means a lot to him- I know he's only been assigned to you recently but still."

Aria smiled and nodded reassuringly.
"Trust me, I really do appreciate him being there for me- it's weird having a guardian Angel."

"How did you meet him anyway?" The girl asked, swinging her legs aimlessly as the sun beat down on them.

"Hm, a year ago or so but we've only been together 5 months...he actually saved me from getting run over, cliche I know."

Na-eun smiled and watched as Jaemin hurried over to the two girls.
"I don't think it worked, he only got more angry." Jaemin admitted sheepishly and Aria patted his shoulder- standing up from her seat on the wall.

"At least you tried," she said positively and Jaemin nodded with a triumphant smile.
"See that Honey? I'm going good!"
Na-eun broke out into a dorkish grin and rubbed his back lovingly.
"You are, I'm proud."

"And I'm going to throw up." Aria commented wryly, stalking off away from the two lovebirds.

She sighed contently as she basked in the warmth of the sun that tickled her skin, sending her into a sea of calamity.

"Donghyuck man, just get over her she wasn't worth it." Renjun commented with a roll of his eye, walking alongside the apathetic Demon who glared at everyone.

"You might find someone else, you never know." Chaerin spoke out softly, clutching onto Jisung's arm.

Donghyuck glanced at the younger girl and scoffed, striding faster to leave the demons behind.

"Someone else my ass." He grumbled, the sea of people parting at the sight of the angry Demon walking through, eyes averting away from his figure in fear.

The girl was unknown to this, humming as she walked towards his direction, in the middle of the path he walked on.

"Move." He spat, pushing his shoulder against hers as he rage walked past and Aria gasped.

"Oh no." Jaemin breathed out, leaning away from his hug with Na-eun and she frowned in confusion.

"What?" Her eyes trailed over to the distance where Aria's face contorted into anger at her phone that clattered onto the ground.

His dark demeanour remained hellish despite the bright sun, his black leather jacket accentuating the immaculate physique he adorned- fluid movements as he continued to walk.

"Hey Asshole!"

"Oh no." Jaemin repeated, eyes widened and hurrying over to the girl in alarm. "Ari-"

She huffed, striding behind the boy who ignored her.
"Hey you fucking jerk!" She yelled out angrily and the figure stopped suddenly.

Aria waited impatiently as the Male turned around excruciatingly slowly.
Once he turned around fully, her eyes raked up his body till they landed on his face.

The tips of his fangs poking out his top lip and his eyes flashed crimson red, piercing into hers.


The veins on his neck illuminated red and his face was blank, dark black hair sweeped so his melanin forhead peeked through and the eyebrow slit stood out amongst his features.

Several piercings decorated his ears and the one thing that stood out was the silver ring in his lip.

Okay hot.

"What did you just call me?" He spoke, his tone roughly low and demonic.
Aria raised her brow at his oozing confidence and darkness.

"I said what I said." She stood up straighter, tilting her head stubbornly to prove her point.

Donghyuck's deathly red eyes pierced into her features, effortlessly running over her before he scoffed out a laugh.

"Fucking say it again and I'll rip that pretty head from your neck."

Jaemin gasped and stood in front of Aria, pleadingly.
"I said I would protect you but h-he.." Jaemin trailed off in a whisper, fear ridden. "He'll kill me, so please let's go."

Aria squinted at Jaemin in disbelief and threw her head back in irritation, pushing Jaemin away to the side.

Donghyuck watched with a cocky expression, hands in his pocket and head tilted up slightly with his eyes burning down onto her frame.

Almost amused, he stood there- tongue running over his teeth before they reached his terrifying fangs.

"You don't scare me you demon." She stated, stepping closer to him and a smirk pulled at his lips, enjoying every second of it.

Donghyuck took a larger steps towards her and his pitch black wings appeared from his back, blocking her sight from past his head at her breath hitched, eyes widened as he almost hissed at her- fangs barred.

Maybe a bit scared.

"Jeno what do I do!- nevermind I'm not asking you." Jaemin muttered, running over to the girl.

"Come on let's go-"
"What's going on?" Chaerin asked, appearing with the two other Demons.

"Oh no." Renjun muttered at the scene and slapped a hand on his head. "He's got his wings out."

"Either he's trying to impress her or he's going to kill her."

Donghyuck leaned down, his face in front of hers and his head tilted tantalizingly.
"Not scared?" He chuckled lowly, watching as she gulped at the proximity, his wings brushing against her.

His warm breath hit against her ear teasingly, tone dripping with venomous intent, almost hissing
"I'll make your death nice and slow babygirl."

Yes dadd-

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Yes dadd-

Anyways what's le thoughts my children

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