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"Don't fucking touch me!" The muffled voice screamed out, bouncing off the walls of the grand two storey house, almost like it rattled the air around them and infiltrated up to the lone girl that sat in her room

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"Don't fucking touch me!" The muffled voice screamed out, bouncing off the walls of the grand two storey house, almost like it rattled the air around them and infiltrated up to the lone girl that sat in her room.

Her heart jolted at the neverending screams and raised voices that held broken trust and lack of respect.

No matter how many times it happened, no matter how used to it Aria was- it always made her pulse quicken and she was left exposed to the family war that consumed her mind.

Sometimes she'd be completely nonchalant to the detrimental abuse that flew out of their mouths towards each other or when she walked past her Father grumbling angrily as he took a blanket to the sofa for the night.

The scent of alcohol and his snores often filled up the living room space to which she avoided, cooped up in her room for safety.

She wasn't sure what she was hiding away from, it wasn't as if they were shielding their kids away from the fact they argued more than they've smiled towards each other.

Aria sighed, pushing in her earphones with air stuck in her throat and the pounding of her heart felt like it was sending her nerves into overdrive.

"I didn't do anything! All you do is blame me, what did I do!"
"Don't act like I'm the bad one! Do you think I'm stupid? Am I an idiot to you!" Her Mother shrilled out, the pitched voices seeping through the beats vibrating into her ear.

"Fuck you!"
"You never even come home anymore!"
"You never act like my wife!"
"Maybe you shouldn't have married me in the first place!"
"Maybe I shouldn't have!"

It was narrowly followed by the sound of glass shattering that pierced through the air and echoed around, almost like the shards had plunged into her chest on the impact of their venomous words.

The creaking of her bedroom door filled the silent air and she hesitantly began to take feeble steps down the carpeted stairs with her shaky hands on the railing of their immaculate put together house that juxtaposed their family relationship.

Reaching the bottom step, she froze. Listening out for any indication that something happened and her feet patted almost loudly through the eerie silence and raised tension.

Aria's hand pushed open the kitchen door where sniffles filled up the air and her eyes fell on her bloodshot eyed Mother that cried into her hands.

She wasn't too sure what to do, seeing her Mum cry left her shocked but at the same time she felt guilty for feeling the lack of remorse and emotion through the exposed verbal abuse she had heard for years on end.

"Mum...?" She trailed off, her voice smaller and less confident than it usually was and for a moment she felt as though she was a child again who couldn't help properly- helpless to the struggles.

Her sniffles subsided and her Mother's head turned up with sad, angry eyes at her 18, turning 19 year old daughter.

Aria lingered by the door, hovering awkwardly and unsure of what to do seeing as she wasn't exactly close to her parents.

"What?" Her Mum's hoarse, emotional yet angry voice asked out and Aria was silent for a moment before speaking up.

"Are you okay?" She cringed at the sound of her own question, not knowing what to say yet she felt guilty for not being overly clingy with her Mother as she cried.

"Just go to school." Her Mother said, forcefully getting up from the kitchen table and walking into the living room.

A deep scoff resounded through the air as Aria listened from the kitchen.
"What now? Did you come to scream at me again?" Her Father spat out, angry toned and his voice left Aria sighing as quietly as she could.

"Don't start again!" Her Mum furiously spoke out defensively and the sound of bickering filled up the lonesome air as the girl stared at the empty table with her mind plagued by thoughts.

She broke out of it soon enough, turning around and wordlessly walking over to the doorway- pulling on her shoes almost like she was waiting for a sweet goodbye to be bid by her parents.

They didn't however, instead the continued hurls of abuse replaced her ideal family wishes and she soon left the house with her heart heavy in her chest.

They didn't however, instead the continued hurls of abuse replaced her ideal family wishes and she soon left the house with her heart heavy in her chest

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