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Aria tore her eyes away from his smug face, scoffing and pushing his chest back with the palms of her hands

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Aria tore her eyes away from his smug face, scoffing and pushing his chest back with the palms of her hands.

The girl turned away from him, mostly to hide the fact her cheeks were nearly redder than the blood he drinks.

She sat herself down at the edge of the cliff, feet dangling off the edge and it had become normal for her to sit there to think or feel at peace.

Unsure of why the cliff made her feel calm, peaceful and happy- it felt oddly nostalgic as the wind blew past her face and the city bustling beneath.

She felt Donghyuck take the seat next to her and his warmth that oozed off of him, immediately swarmed her- unknowingly becoming her safe place.

The Demon gazed at her with eyes that held a million emotions but he tore his eyes away from Aria and instead opted to look at the beautiful scenic view that made him feel at ease.

He was unsure of what she was thinking, feeling at war within himself, cursing himself for falling for someone so fast- he swore to himself he'd never do it again.

Something about her captured him, roping him into the fiery pit head first, almost regretting it as he knew her heart layed elsewhere.

Donghyuck felt stupid, knowing it was confusing and frustrating for him- the sudden liking towards her throwing him off guard.

Sure they hadn't known each other long, but why did it feel the complete opposite- why did she feel familiar to him yet not at the same time.

He spent his days wracking the depths of his mind for some kind of closure yet he was unsure of what exactly he wanted closure on.

Donghyuck tried to convince himself, humourously telling himself he was being out of character- there was no way he had unknowingly fallen for this girl.

In fact, he wasn't sure if he was over Seyeon.

Everytime he attempted to pull himself closer to Aria, for once trying to let himself give into his undeniable feelings- he was always held back by his ex girlfriend.

It was almost like she knew the hold she had over Donghyuck even after their break up, knowing he loved her deeper than her love for him.

Bittersweet relationship- no matter how much he hates her with every burning passion that he could muster up inside him, all he could think about was the good memories.

It hindered him, making him feel guilty and for months on end, he was swallowed up in the feeling of gut wrenching self depreciation- thinking he was at fault.

His fault she cheated on him.
However, he knew it wasn't yet the feeling still remained.

So immersed in his feelings, eyes unmoving at the sight in front of him- Aria glanced over with concern at his lack of words.

Her small, warm comforting hand fell on top of his own that was situated between them on the ground.

The sudden feeling of contact brought him out of his inner conflict, breath caught in his throat when their eyes connected.

"Are you okay? Did something happen?"

Her sweet, caring voice made his mind painfully retract to the bank of memories he tried desperately to keep out.

"Are you okay, did something happen Sweetheart?"
Donghyuck was almost immobile, his eyes bloodshot red, yet it wasn't his demonic side- it was the tears verging on breaking free as his girlfriend kneeled besides him.

"Y-you..." He trailed off, lifting his head- the sheer vulnerability making him feel disgusted at himself for letting her play him for this long.

"Hm?" She hummed, running her fingers through his hair. "I what?"

There it went again, the feeling was suffocating. It clawed up his throat and tightened itself around it leaving no room for air.

Her manipulation filtered through in a sweet, loving tone.
"Did I do something wrong? Is it me who hurt you?"

Donghyuck swallowed down the lump in his throat, blinking away the tears yet it only made them fall faster.

"Yes." He whispered out, conjuring up any sense of confidence.

Seyeon was silent for a moment, causing the boy to regret his words immediately yet he was unable to look at her.

Her sharp manicured fingers gripped the root of his hair, pulling his head back harshly- eliciting a whimper of pain through tears dripping down his rosy cheeks.

She leant in close to his ear, her warm hot breath fanning his skin yet it left him feeling unsafe and trapped.

"I hurt you? Me?" She almost scoffed out, tightening her grip on his dark brown locks. "How dare you say I hurt you when I gave you everything-"

"I didn't want this, I didn't choose this life!" He exclaimed, hiccuping it out with the swirl of rage, flashing red eyes.

Her demeanor switched, narrowing her eyes at him.
"Know your place gorgeous, you're forgetting what I gave you, you know I love you right?"

His lips pressed together stopped the gasping cries that threatened to fall.
"Right?" She pressed, gripping the material of his tear stained shirt in her fist.

Scared, utterly terrified- he nodded with his eyes screwed tight.

Her lips pulled up into a smirk, standing up and patting his head to smooth down his messy hair.

"Good boy."


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Anyway I just wanted to say Danger Seyeon is different from Enigmatic Seyeon- it's two different worlds so don't hate her in enigmatic it's just a character I decided to use

There's no connections just yeah

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