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Due to the superior black out curtains Donghyuck insisted in getting for his room to accentuate the darkness and to 'become one with his soul'- there was absolutely no concept of it being the morning

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Due to the superior black out curtains Donghyuck insisted in getting for his room to accentuate the darkness and to 'become one with his soul'- there was absolutely no concept of it being the morning.

In the delicate soft bed layed the two, their breaths syncing as they intertwined with each other.

During the undisturbed night, Donghyuck had now layed on his back with his chin resting on Aria's head. She flung her arm and leg over his body to essentially trap him in her embrace.

It was a blissful slumber, the ethereal warmth surrounding them compelled them to fall deeper and deeper into their most vulnerable states wrapped in each others embrace.

"What do you mean, are you kidding me!"
"I'm stressed as it is Chaerin, please."
The sound of muffled yells drifted through the walls.

Disoriented, the sounds all drowned out by the drowsiness of her state before she scrunched her nose up at the realisation it wasn't part of her dream.

Blinking the sleepiness from her eyes, she raked her gaze around the room when she realised they had fallen asleep in his room.

Lifting her head carefully, she glanced at Donghyuck who was dead asleep- his soft breaths becoming the only other noise she heard.

Aria sat up in the bed, rubbing her eyes as she heard the yelling increase which made her furrow her brows.

She slowly clambered out of the bed, grabbing the discarded hoodie Donghyuck had thrown onto his chair- forgetting to tidy it away in his wardrobe.

Pulling her hair out of her face, tying it as she walked towards the door when she glanced back at the sleeping Demon.

Sighing in relief, she turned back to the door and turned the doorknob to quietly leave and not awaken him.

"I don't care Chaerin, you told me- you promised me to stay away from them!"
"So I can't have friends now?"
"That's not what I said. Can't you just see where I'm coming from? I don't trust you with the fucking Angels."

"It's in the past Jisung!"
"Does it change the fact Jeno tried to turn you into an Angel? How can you trust someone that's fucked you over so many times?"

Aria halted outside the living room door, realising it wasn't her place to interfere with heir personal arguements- biting her lip and walking over to the kitchen instead.

"Sup, Sis."
"Renjun, what the fuck?" Aria scrunched her nose in disgust at the sight of Renjun with blood streaming out of his lips as he sucked on the blood bag.

"It's nature."
"...I feel sick."

The boy rolled his eyes, seeing her eyes flash the orange red fiery colour as she shuddered.

"What?" She narrowed her eyes at the boy when she grabbed the wooden spoon- holding it up threateningly.

"Ooh, I'm scared." He mocked, holding his hands up and Aria scoffed at him.
"What's happening anyway?" She asked, turning away from the pungent scent of blood.

"They're arguing over Jeno."
"Why? I thought that was old news."
"Yeah, Jisung is very protective of the situation though knowing of their history."

Aria paused, the thought suddenly infiltrating her mind.
"Do you think I should be more protective over Hyuck?"

"Why?" Renjun inquired lazily, licking the blood off his lips and fangs.
"Because...of Seyeon."
"Oh." He paused, silent as he threw the bag in the bin.

"I mean...if you feel like she's a threat then I guess?"
Aria hummed, dwelling on it as she filled a glass up with water.

"I don't know, I don't feel like she's a threat but am I just being stupid?"
"She has changed...less of a class A bitch I guess." He shrugged before resting his chin and looking at her.

"What?" She asked, eyeing him wearily and he smirked.
"You know if you're weak, you have to drink blood right?"

The words echoed in her mind, sending shocks down her body and effectively dropping the glass with a loud shatter.


Do you think seyeon is a threat 😳

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Do you think seyeon is a threat 😳

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