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"Hey bitch

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"Hey bitch."

There was a late resounding gasp as the boy was focused on his work, still giving attention to her insult as she naturally entered his room.

His desk was by the open window, the warm breezes wafting past her as she closed the door behind her.

"Whatcha doing?" She asked, walking over and surprising him when she placed her chin on her shoulder.

"Just school work." He grumbled to hide to oncoming smile painting at his lips.
She hummed in reply, reading over his work quickly.

"You spelt juxtaposing wrong babe." She mumbled, catching his mistakes.

Donghyuck's eyes widened and brows shot up at the sudden name, his cheeks flushing a deep red.

"Hm?" She asked, brows furrowed then it dawned on her, mouth forming an o shape.

"Oh, yeah- why do you not-"
"No! I mean...it's cool I guess." He shrugged and Aria laughed.

"It's cool I guess." She mocked as she stood up straight, ruffling his hair before taking refuge on his bed, laying on it like a star fish.

"So," she began, waiting for him hum of acknowledgement before she started speaking with her eyes on the ceiling.

"So like, we're soulmates and all but are we like- hm uh, dating?" She asked, it taking her every bit of her willpower not to break out into a joke to conceal her nerves.

Donghyuck stopped writing, pen halting in the air as his eyes drew up to the window- seeing her faint reflection.

The Demon spun on his chair to face the girl, a genuine smile on his face with his slitted brow raised.

"Belle, would you do me the absolute honours of being my significant other?" He said in a broad tone, flailing his hands around.

Aria giggled, stretching her foot to kick him and he became more serious, soft eyes looking down at her as he pushed himself off the chair and seating himself on the bed.

His fingers gently brushed the hair away from her eyes as he looked down at her with what was clearly love and adoration.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" He asked more seriously, yet he couldn't help but feel as though he was a small child again.

She equally smiled at him, nodding at his question.
"As long as I get a date soon." She said with a cheeky grin and Donghyuck hummed.

"I'll see if I can book it into my busy schedule you know?" He joked as he continued to run his fingers through her hair.

She rolled her eyes, lightly slapping his cheek which did no damage and instead she naturally left it there, gently brushing his soft cheekbone with the pad of her thumb.

"Thank you- for everything." She said quietly, sincerely with sparkling gold swirls in her eyes.

The sight made Donghyuck fall in love all over again, compelling him to lean forward with his hand resting on the curve of her jaw, the other one on her arm.

With her own hand on his cheek, soon came the long awaited kiss. Their lips pressing against the other ones as the moment of bliss and love erupted in the air.

It was full of the missing love she longed for, the pieces in her life fitting together as he smiled again her lips.

It was full of the missing love she longed for, the pieces in her life fitting together as he smiled again her lips

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Aw cuties Hyuri ship has left finally

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