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Take it easy because it hurts

Donghyuck sighed, watching Princess walk across the brick wall and his eyes ever so often fell to the girl in the distance, unknown to the fact a Demon and his cat followed her

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Donghyuck sighed, watching Princess walk across the brick wall and his eyes ever so often fell to the girl in the distance, unknown to the fact a Demon and his cat followed her.

He wasn't sure where exactly she was going, unsure of what even happened but the way her usual extroverted fiery self disappeared when her tears of sadness stained her cheeks, made him feel irritated.

He wasn't too sure why he felt irritated either.

Donghyuck let out a small sigh, stopping his walk and watching as the girl also stopped- almost like she could feel his presence- she swiftly turned around and from the distance she could see Donghyuck leaning against the wall staring at her.

A heavy sigh fell from her, shoulders slumping and he wordlessly watched as she began to walk back into his direction- her lips pulled down slightly and the way her body moved slowly indicated her sadness.

She reached him, looking up as the moonlight drew down on them. The Demon said nothing, his eyes remaining downcasting into hers.

"Can you erase memories?" She partially joked, trying to lighten the mood but the way she became choked up on her words made him watch her closely before he sighed.

"What happened?"
She shrugged at his question, unsure if she should tell me him or even where to start.
"Just...thought it would be nice to feel emotions you know-"

"I'm being serious."
His tone was indeed serious, his narrowed eyes almost seeing right through the way she tried to hide behind her humour.

"I don't know." She whispered, frustratedly rubbing her eyes. "I'm just tired."
"It's late, you should go home-"
"I can't." She cut him off, walking over to the brick wall to look over at the ground several metres below them with cars zooming past.

He turned around, standing besides her at the wall as watched as she closed her eyes and leant her chin on her hand.

"Do you ever cry?"
Donghyuck almost wanted to make a joke out of the question but the air around them was way too serious and delicate.
"You'd be surprised at how much emotions other than rage a Demon feels."

She turned her head, cheek hitting her hand as she looked up at him.
"My parents...well my Dad," she began, it on the tip of her tongue and she wasn't sure why she was even telling him.

Yet even the confident of people are lonely.

"Well, he isn't my Dad apparently." She said bitterly, laughing afterwards yet it was almost as though she wanted to breakdown crying yet she held it together.
"I think they just...they get stressed out and they lash out, argue but,"

"You're just excusing their behaviour." He stated, teeth grazing his lipring as he spoke, looking off into the distance.

"I know...but they're my parents." She trailed off, glancing down at the necklace in her hand.

"No parent should make their Daughter cry."

She didn't reply, mulling over his words and she was partially shocked at how mature and serious his words were, showing a new side to him.

"I don't want to go home, I don't think I can face them."
"You have to face them one day Belle." He said almost softly, his cat purring into his palm and he looked at it endearingly.

Aria glanced over in the direction of her road that was a minute away and she sighed.
"Okay," she breathed out with a nod, mentally preparing herself.

The girl spun around in the direction of the road, fists clenched and beggining to walk away.

"Lift your head up," he commented and she stopped, turning around in confusion and he glanced at her.
"You're stronger than whatever they throw at you."


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