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You make me feel Human again

"We're here to save Aria!" Chenle exclaimed out as he appeared with Jeno and Jaemin

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"We're here to save Aria!" Chenle exclaimed out as he appeared with Jeno and Jaemin.

"Oh great." Renjun drawled out sarcastically before rolling his eyes. "Cut the enthusiasm, my Sister is in danger."

"Danger just follows her around doesn't it?" Seyeon spoke up but she was promptly shot down by glares. "Okay, nevermind."

"Who brought her?"
"What? Wow." Jeno muttered, in disbelief he would bring along his ex girlfriend.

Seyeon stood off to the side of the group, looking into the distance whilst deep in thought.

"If you're lying to me and something happens to her-"
"You know what she said to me?" Seyeon said softly as she stood at the edge of the bridge, looking out to sea.

Donghyuck stayed quiet, eyeing her closely.
"I asked why she deserved to have you and she said she'd put you before herself and that's something I never did."

The thought of Aria fighting for him and saying all of that, made him look down at the ground with a swirl of conflicting emotions inside him.

"Why are you telling me this, to rub the fact she's probably hurt in my face?"

Seyeon glanced at him, sighing as she shook her head and walked towards the group of Demons approaching.

"They're here to help, they tracked Morte down." She stated and the Demon's immediately noticed Jisung and Chaerin's presence- bowing to them.

Renjun scoffed sauntering over to the Demon's.
"Bow to me too, I'm Huang Renjun."

One of the Demon's began to bow but was harshly pulled back up by another.
"Dude, what the hell?"

"Anyway," Seyeon turned to them all. "I know everyone here hates me-"

"Glad you realise." Renjun bit out and Seyeon closed her eyes in irritation to try and suppress her anger.
"-but I'm your one way ticket to find Aria so let's just get this over with."

"Yeah and if it turns out you're the one behind this I'll-" Chaerin began before she was cut off by Jisung's hand on her shoulder.

"Can we just go?" Donghyuck spat out.

"What is this place?" Jaemin asked, clinging onto Jeno's arm.
"Morte's hideout, he collects newly turned Demon's to brainwash them." Seyeon replied, walking through the halls.

"This is scary." Chenle whispered back, equally clinging onto Renjun who shot him a glare but didn't make a move to tear himself away.

"Where is Aria?" Donghyuck asked bluntly, his aura unmatched as he bit down on his sliver lip ring.

"My men are on it."
"So they're still yours huh?"

Seyeon inhaled a deep breath, before sighing heavily.
"I don't know what you want me to say." She muttered.

"Nothing, you just disgust me."

The two fell into a tense silence and Seyeon continued to walk, getting a signal from one of her men.

"Okay guys, get ready." She warned.

"Shut up." Donghyuck muttered, barging past her to stride into the room full of angry- indoctrinated Demons.

It was a bloodbath.

Donghyuck's nails dug into the Demon's neck, clenching it tighter and tighter till he was blue in the face.

"Where is the Hellhound? I won't ask again." Donghyuck dug his heel into the Demons foot as he choked.

"Dead." He spluttered out and Donghyuck growled, applying all of his pressure onto his neck and almost screaming out in fury as he snapped it- the head dropping to the ground and rolling through the array of dead bodies.

"Shit." Morte mumbled out, locking the door and rushing over to the unconscious hellhound.

He pressed a finger to her pulse to find it was still beating faintly.
"Time to become a Demon." He muttered, biting his wrist and flashing his demonic eyes so the powers of a Demon sparked through his body.

The open wound allowed his veins to be full of blood although he wasn't necessarily alive.
Demon's had no heart yet a store of blood to heal others.

He lifted Aria's head into his lap, hauling her up as he lowered his wrist to her parted lips.

His evil, demonic laugh rang through the air as the wound formed blood to spill.

Just as he was about to attach his wrist to her lips- the large metal, locked doors- swung open revealing the silhouette of a deathly Demon who was enraged through the name of love.

Just as he was about to attach his wrist to her lips- the large metal, locked doors- swung open revealing the silhouette of a deathly Demon who was enraged through the name of love

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