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I can't stop myself from falling

Morte snapped his head up towards the door, his eyes meeting the devilish, enraged ones of Donghyuck's

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Morte snapped his head up towards the door, his eyes meeting the devilish, enraged ones of Donghyuck's.

He panicked, looking down at Aria and moving his wrist closer yet Donghyuck teleported in front of him faster than he could blink- pushing him off.

Morte groaned in pain as his head went smashing against the table as he was thrown on it from the impact.

Donghyuck growled, standing up and plummeting his fist down to connect it with Morte's face- the force sending the glass table shattering and the ground shaking.

He didn't stop, his veins pumping with hatred and fury, grabbing him up by the collars and repeatedly punching him with so much force Donghyuck's knuckles began to split.

"How fucking dare you touch my girl?" He spat out, pushing him against the wall and moving his clenched fists to grasp his neck.

Morte's choked as he spluttered out the words.
"Too b-bad she'll d-die."

"Aria! Aria, wake up- oh my God." Jaemin's panicked voice exclaimed out, cradling her head to his chest as he put his hand on her wound, only for blood to spill over it.

Footsteps drew closer as they all ran in and Renjun was the first to drop down to his knees to sit besides her with his mouth open in shock.
"Oh my God."

Chaerin gasped in disbelief at the sight of Aria's state, burying her head in Jisung's chest.
"I-is she going to die?" She asked Jisung who's eyes were trained on Aria; gulping at the verdict.

"Yes." He whispered, able to forsee the deaths and hers was not long until it happened.

Chaerin pulled away, feeling her stomach churn.
"How...how do we save her? She's bleeding out and she isn't like us, she can't heal by herself like that, tell me what we need to do!"

A hand on Donghyuck's arm pulled him out of his turbulent rage, snapping his head down to see Seyeon who looked up at him.

"He's dead." She said before glancing over at the commotion. "You've got to do it."

Donghyuck who hadn't seen Aria as he was blinded by fury, turned around and as soon as his sight landed on her- his world came avalanching down.

"Belle," he merely whispered out in shock, stepping forward but he was stopped.
"I mean it Donghyuck, it's the only way."

Donghyuck stumbled over to Aria, Jaemin and Renjun moving out of the way as he approached.

Her bloodied, bruised body was limp as he held her across his lap- looking down in horror as she layed lifeless.

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