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"Are you growing your hair out?" Aria inquired as she stared at Donghyuck and he glanced at her

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"Are you growing your hair out?" Aria inquired as she stared at Donghyuck and he glanced at her.
"Should I cut it?"

"I mean, if you want to I guess." She played it off shrugging. "It looks alright long."

"Mhm, just alright?"
"You're pushing it now."

There was a comfortable silence as they both were immersed into the movie ahead of them.

"So if you were Human...how were you friends with the rest of them at a young age?"

"Oh, the School had Demon, Angel and Human kids...we didn't really know or care about the difference between us."

"I can't imagine you as a human." She said trying to picture it.
Donghyuck also pondered back on his fond memories.

"Probably because I'm a hot Demon."
"Rightt." She dragged out, nodding her head sarcastically which earned her a pillow to the face.

"You know, we should go shopping."
"For what?"
"To shop..." She trailed off like it was obvious.

"I know but why would I go?"
"Because you're paying obviously."
"What?" He sat upright.

She laughed, standing up to join Chaerin wherever she was.
"I'm joking but let's go because I'm bored."

"Whatever," he said. "Let's just teleport there I guess."
"Okay Mr Demon, let me go get changed."

"Why, what's wrong with what you're wearing?" He asked lazily, pointing to her attire and she gasped, looking down at herself.

"Are you kidding? I look like a tramp, how am I meant to impress boys now?" She said loudly, clicking her tongue as she ran upstairs.

Donghyuck stared at her retreating frame with shock on his face before he scoffed and shook his head.
"This girl really knows how to get me angry." He muttered, grabbing the bowl of popcorn and taking it over to the kitchen.

"Ah, the power of love." Jisung commented, making Donghyuck jolt in shock as the boy sipped on a blood bag.

"Put that away, you know she's weird around these stuff."
"Why, she's basically a Demon." Jisung shrugged, licking his lips and Donghyuck rolled his eyes.

"Shut up Jisung."
"Don't tell me what- wow he just walked away."

"God it's cold." Aria mumbled and hugged herself to emit warmth.
"You feel the cold?" He asked, hands in the pocket of his black jeans as he looked down at her.

Aria nodded, shivers of cold air running up her spine.
"I am basically human when I'm not in my Hellhound form."
"That's true."

"It's literally may, why is it so cold?"
Donghyuck subtly stepped closer to the girl in hopes of his warmth to spread to her.

"You should have worn something else then." He muttered under his breath.
"But then how was it meant to-"
"Impress the boys, yeah I heard you the three times you said it."

Aria laughed, her arm brushing against his as they walked down the halls of the busy malls.

"I need to buy some cute summer outfits you know?"
"No I don't know." He replied, already bored to the ends of his attention span.

Aria ignored him, begining to walk through the isles of clothing and ever so often, pulling something out.

"What about this?"
"Too short."
"What? It's summer Hyuck, am I meant to wear a onesie."
"Yeah sounds fashionable."

The girl rolled her eyes and walked over to the mirror, holding the top up to her body and checking it out with a hum.

"This would be so cute, imagine it paired with a nice pair of jeans and-"
"Yeah, imagined it- now let's go."

Aria groaned, brushing past him to mutter under her breath about his impatience.
As she continued to browse, finding something she really liked but there was none in her size.

"Excuse me, do you need any assistance?"

The thick British accent rolled off of his tongue, encapsulating her immediate attention.

The British male asked with a smile, his Korean near to perfect and Aria also smiled politely.

"Oh, sorry do you speak English?" Aria began and the male nodded, shocked she also spoke it.

Donghyuck's watched with slitted eyes as they conversed a little too nicely.
"Yeah, get this in her size- we'll be over there." Donghyuck said, grabbing her hand and leading her elsewhere.

"Wha- wait what." She protested in shock at his sudden burst of attitude.
Aria huffed and crossed her arms over her chest as she looked up at him.

"What's your issue hm?"
"I haven't got one." He said stubbornly, looking down at her with narrowed eyes.

Aria shook her head in disbelief.
"You boys get so jealous over nothing." She commented.

"I'm not jealous, who said I was jealous- why would I be?" He retorted back and Aria raised her brows.

"Okay, you wait here the hot British boy is probably looking for me and I can't keep him waiting-" Aria turned around to begin walking away when his hand clasped over her wrist.

"You're so annoying."
"And I'm also hungry, can we pay and eat now please?" She asked, moving her hand to slip inside of his and pull him along with her.

" "And I'm also hungry, can we pay and eat now please?" She asked, moving her hand to slip inside of his and pull him along with her

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