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In a dream where nothing worked out for me,
I planted a flower that I couldn't bloom

In a dream where nothing worked out for me, I planted a flower that I couldn't bloom

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19 years ago

Huang Jia held onto her unnoticeable, 5 month baby bump she had managed to hide as she sat on the sofa of her apartment.

The sweet sound of her 1 year old son's babbling muffled the sounds of her own cries. The shame that fell upon her, making her want to crawl up and hide forever.

Jia looked down, caressing her stomach lovingly with tears streaming down her face.
"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." She whispered, squeezing her eyes shut.

The sound of her baby boy crawling on the floor, tugging on her leg made her look down at him.
A frown pulled on his lips as he tried to grip onto her to stand up.

"I'm okay Renjun-ah." She said with a smile, ruffling his hair despite her gut that clenched.

Jia felt ashamed, ashamed of what she had done. Cheating on her husband with a Hellhound ended up with consequences, the consequence of the baby growing inside her.

The door clicking open made her jolt, watching as her Husband wordlessly entered the house.
Sliding his coat and shoes off, walking over into the living room.

Jia had tears staining her cheeks and throat dry, emotions building up inside her as she watched him gently pick Renjun up as he babbled happily.

"Hey my little superstar, have you been well?" Dewei cooed, bouncing Renjun as he began to take him over to the bathroom to clean him up, ignoring his pregnant wife- the one who was carrying a baby which wasn't his.

"Hey." The voice of the Hellhound spoke gently, sitting across from the 7 month pregnant woman who had her head down.

She couldn't bare to say anything, feeling bile rise up her throat.
"Byeong-cheol..." She trailed off, gulping down the rawness in her throat. "What if she turns out as a hellhound?" She whispered, holding her baby bump.

Byeong-cheol glanced down at it equally, stomach churning at the thought.
"What's going to happen...with Dewei?" He asked, clasping his hands together to stop the shaking.

"He said...we should tell people it's his because-"
"I understand." He spoke, managing a small smile. "But could I see her from time to time, please?" He whispered out.

Jia nodded, smiling down at her stomach as the baby kicked.
"I wouldn't take that away from you."

He sat outside of the delivery room, hearing the sweet sounds of her first cries, his own tears gathering in his eyes- head against the wall.

As he sat there, the door opened to reveal Dewei with a stern face.
"I'm not going to let you ruin this girl's life...I think it's best if you have no connection with her until she's older."

"Is she... healthy?"
"Yes, she's perfect."
"...is she a Hellhound, Demon- what is she?"

Dewei hesitated.
"She has orange eyes, not red. She's a Hellhound." He confirmed and Byeong-cheol felt his whole world crumble, the dread and shock filling him as it began to dawn on him.

Dewei closed his eyes, conflicted with himself.
"Go and see your daughter...Renjun doesn't understand anything yet, don't mention it to him at all okay?"
"I understand, thank you." Byeong-cheol whispered as the Chinese male began to walk off.

It had been two month since Daiyu's birth- the name they decided to call her. Huang Daiyu.

The three of the adults had mutually decided that Byeong-cheol wouldn't appear in front of her till she was older yet his dread grew.

The thought of his daughter going through the struggles he did, killed him inside.
It wound him up until he felt the immense guilt weighing him down.

Intoxicated, he stumbled up to gaze down at the view- crumbling to the ground and fumbling around with the paper and pen as he cried painfully.

He cried as he began to write the several letters- messy handwriting with his tears dripping down his cheeks.

The sound of small whimpers brought him to look down at the small black 7 week old kitten, her orange eyes glazing over as she rubbed her head against his leg.

"Princess..." He trailed off, stroking her as he cried harder. "I'm so sorry," he whispered, picking the kitten up.
"You'll protect her won't you, hm? You're my little Princess, always." He smiled, tears soaking the black fur as she whimpered.

Not even ten minutes later, the black kitten layed on the edge of the cliff, crying as she looked out at the dark skies- looking for her owner that had taken his own life.

Not even ten minutes later, the black kitten layed on the edge of the cliff, crying as she looked out at the dark skies- looking for her owner that had taken his own life

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