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Aria was dragged away by a fearful Jaemin and she huffed against his grip, eyes locking with the smug Donghyuck

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Aria was dragged away by a fearful Jaemin and she huffed against his grip, eyes locking with the smug Donghyuck.

"Let go- Yah Na Jaemin let go!" She exclaimed, slapping the boy's arm, getting extremely frustrated by the way the Demon oozed confidence and his aura putting him up on a pedestal.

Donghyuck's smirk never left, lips parted and eyes trailing down the length of her body with his tongue by his fangs before he made eye contact with her, winking before laughing and walking away.

Aria gasped, gobsmacked by his blunt and flirty nature yet he screamed danger.
"What the- hey! You broke my phone!" She yelled out at Donghyuck's retreating figure. "You better pay Demon!"

His shoulders swayed as he walked, hands in pocket and his wings retreated.
"The name is Donghyuck darling."

The girl sighed, eyes boring to the front of the class as it droned on excruciatingly slow.

"What are we meant to be doing?" Her classmate whispered to her and Aria shrugged.
"I have no idea."

"Right guys, enough chattering- time to pick your partners-"

Aria's face lit up, turning to face Iseul.
"-well I will pick them for you."

Her shoulders slumped, groaning with a roll of her eye as the teacher began reading the names out.

The door swung open, in walking the 4 demons with every eye on them as they strolled in, yet the teacher didn't question anything.

"Uh, Aria and..." The teacher glanced up and around the class, her eyes lingering on the Demons.

Oh no.
Please no-


The Demon's eyes trailed over the class before it landed on the girl who was slumped across the desk with her head in her arms- wanting the ground to swallow her up.

"Be nice." Chaerin muttered, knowing Donghyuck very well.
"Always." He grinned, walking over to the table he was assigned to.

Aria heard the chair scrape back next to her and she begged he wouldn't say anything.

He sat back on his chair lazily, eyes trained on her form that wouldn't lift her head to look at him.

"What happened to calling me names, hm? Confidence gone already?"

Aria lifted her head, strands of hair falling effortlessly over her face and she turned towards him, his eyebrow raised.

She groaned, dropping her head on the table.
"Ouch, that probably hurt." He commented sarcastically, amused by her pain.

"Fuck off."

Donghyuck tilted his head at her, letting our a deep airy chuckle under his breath.
"Strange one you are," he began, teeth playing with the lipring as he became intrigued by her.

"What are you going to do, kill me?" She retorted, looking at him with irritation present.

"Do it then."

Donghyuck laughed, vibrating in his chest and humming mockingly.
"Feisty one aren't you Doll?"
"Annoying one aren't you dickhead?"

Donghyuck leant back in his seat, hands behind his head as an amusing smile pulled at his lips.

"Didn't your parents tell you it's rude to anger a Demon?"
Aria glared at him.
"Shut up."
"Nope." He quipped, his knee brushing against her leg accidentally and she hissed at the heat.

"What the fuck!"
"Miss Seo, mind your language!" The teacher scolded and Aria muttered out an apology.

"Why the hell are you so hot?" She whisper shouted and Donghyuck twirled the lipring around with his tongue.
"I know I'm irresistible." He winked and Aria's jaw dropped.

"You're disgusting."
"Mm, you like that though."
"Wha- you know what, just be quiet."
"Make me." He whispered in her ear, sending chills down her spine.

"Kidding, ha- your face is priceless." He laughed smugly. "And your heart is pounding." He pointed out knowingly.

"Y-yeah because you're irritating."
"Sure thing."

"Ugh, i hate you!" She exclaimed, getting up from her seat to join Chenle and Jeno, ignoring the stare she was getting from the Demon.

"So, how is she?" Jisung asked and Donghyuck didn't tear his gaze away from the girl.

"Annoying, she actually answers back..." He trailed off, trying to decipher the girl.

"Please just be nice to her Donghyuck." Chaerin sighed, already knowing what the look on his face meant.

"Of course, she looks fun to play with anyway."

So how are you liking the feisty dynamic

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So how are you liking the feisty dynamic

My gal is fearless wbk

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