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"Wassup fuckers

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"Wassup fuckers." Aria spoke, sauntering to her table when she was met with the sounds of Na-eun bickering with Jaemin.

"How can you tell me to trust you when you hugged another girl!"
"Or not." Aria muttered, sliding in next to Iseul. "What's happening?" She whispered and they all sighed.

"I was protecting her!" Jaemin exclaimed out, saddened and Na-eun sighed.
"We're not going anywhere with this conversation."
"Yeah." Jaemin breathed out, looking down and playing with the strings of his hoodie, avoiding her eyes.

Na-eun let her eyes linger on her boyfriend before she sighed, getting up and leaving.
Jaemin straighted in his seat, biting his lip as he watched his girlfriend leave and his lip quivered.

Aria sighed sympathetically, getting out of her seat to sit besides Jaemin, patting his back comfortingly.
"There, there my young Angel."
"Sorry I haven't been there for you... we've been arguing a lot." He explained with a hoarse voice, rubbing his eyes with guilt.

"It's okay Jaem." She began softly, tilting her head to look at his upset face and she pouted dramatically, making him let out a watery laugh, sniffling and wiping his tears.

"Did someone say a bad word around you?" A voice commented mockingly.

Aria looked up protectively of her guardian angel to see Renjun standing there, tauntingly looking down at Jaemin who avoided eye contact.

"Fuck off." Aria spat out and Renjun raised his brows.
"Say it again and I'll rip your arms out of their sockets and push them down your fucking throat-"

"Renjun." Chaerin voiced warningly and Renjun clenched his fists, taking a step back and leaving with Jisung.

"Hi Chaerin." Chenle beamed and Chaerin glanced at the boy with a smile.
"Hey Chenle!"

Aria narrowed her eyes between the two before speaking.
"Wait weren't you and Jisung friends?"
Chenle nodded sadly and Aria's mouth formed an O shape.

Jeno was comforting Jaemin and the sound of Aria's stomach growling filled the air and lazily, she got up.
Stretching, she yawned and walked past Chaerin who eyed her closely before making eye contact with Jaemin.

She watched as Aria left before speaking.
"I know what she is."

The girl sighed, standing in the long line, it was about to be her turn to order when a dark frame pushed in front of her.

She audibly gasped, glaring up with narrowed slitted eyes at the boy who's eyes bored into the food.

"Hey, it was my turn!"
Donghyuck glanced at the girl, not even moved by her outburst and he blinked a few times before leaning down, his face inches away from hers and his eyes flashed red.

"I don't care."
She scoffed, pushing him but he didn't go far, huffing and she turned away from him.
"Aw, is little Miss Panda pajamas upset?"

She harshly inhaled through her nose, closing her eyes in irritation before opening then and looking up at a smug Donghyuck.

"You know what, suck my dick." She said, attempting to push him away to go in front but he didn't budge no matter how hard she tried.

An amused smirk etched on his lips and his fangs poking through, accentuating his naturally rosy lips.

She flushed embarrassed and covered it with a scoff.
"Fucking metal Demon." She muttered, walking around him instead.

" She muttered, walking around him instead

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Aww Hyuri

Anyways what do you guys think so happen yoyo

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