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I don't mind your shadows
'Cause they disappear in the light
I don't mind your shadows
'Cause they look a lot like mine

Aria didn't answer, not that she was purposely ignoring him but with everything going on, her mind blocked her surroundings out

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Aria didn't answer, not that she was purposely ignoring him but with everything going on, her mind blocked her surroundings out.

Her hands clenched the black bars, resting her head on the coldness- hair falling over her face with her breaths heavy.

If it wasn't for her tight grip, the hellhound would have crumbled onto the floor from her weak legs.

Donghyuck narrowed his eyes in confusion, wearily stepping closer to he gate.

Once again his voice went unheard.
Only now instead of concern, the muffled sounds of her small whimpers, that were barely heard, morphed Donghyuck into a state of worry.

Without hesitation, the Demon took bigger strides to the gate- fumbling with the lock before relieving his sudden stress when the old gate creaked open.

Donghyuck exited the gate, stopping besides the girl who had yet to look up or acknowledge him.

He stood there for a few seconds, looking down at the girl with the pangs of pain filtered through him.

"Belle." He said firmer, knowing she would have heard him now.
Aria still gripped onto the gate, pursing her lips together to suppress her cries.

The coldness still surrounded her, until a palm was gently placed onto her back- making her tense.
"Aria." He said softer. "Come inside, it's cold."

"I can't." Her voice was wavering, thick of emotion and desperation for her internal pain to stop. "It hurts."

His eyebrows drew down in instant worry, bending down slightly to get a look of her face but no avail.

"What hurts? Where, let me see?" He fretted with a stern voice, his hand on her shoulder.

Aria retracted one of her hands from the gate, turning around to face the boy finally.

Her eyes were bloodshot, tears neverending as they escaped them, hot on her cheeks. Brown broken orbs stared directly into his that he could almost feel the spine chilling pain.

He stopped still, feeling his heart plummet and churn painfully.
Barely able to contain her agonising cries, intaking a short breath of air shakily- sniffling as she did so.

Aria didn't even make a move to wipe her tears away, feeling so utterly broken that she was unable to do anything.

She felt numb but everything at the same time.

"What hurts baby?"

If it wasn't for her overwhelming strewn emotions that cornered her, Aria's cheeks would have been flaming hot.

However, the sound made her break into a cry- a small heart wrenching cry.
Aria willingly stepped forward, craving comfort and warmth- solitary in his arms and her ear pressed firmly to his chest.

Donghyuck's arms came up, one hand resting on the small of her back and the other one cradling her head- almost shielding her from the pain she felt.

"What happened?"
Aria tightened her grip, unable to speak on the matter that that moment, opting to bury herself deeper into his warmth.

"Let's just stay like this for a little longer." She whispered back, closing her eyes and clinging onto him yet it felt like all of her worries were diminishing right at his touch.

The Demonic boy cautiously closed the door to his bedroom slowly, taking quiet steps down the stairs with his head compact with a flurry of thoughts.

Donghyuck was in his own head, too distracted to notice his friends sitting in the living room watching his every move.

"Is she sleeping?" Chaerin asked, legs in Jisung's lap and Donghyuck wordlessly nodded- taking a seat at the lonesome armchair.

He was distant, staring at the coffee table with his palm gripping the armrest.
"What happened?" Renjun asked curiously and Donghyuck sighed.

"I don't know." He said, the fact he didn't know why or what hurt her fuelled him with more frustration and in return his knuckles tightened their grip around the leather.

"I hope she's okay." Jisung spoke up and their heads all turned towards him, knowing he never really cared for Aria.

"Sure." Renjun commented dryly.
"No seriously...I feel guilty- being a Hellhound would be overwhelming."

Donghyuck shook his head, knowing Aria better than she thought he did.
"It's not that, it's something else."

The figure by the door decided to walk into the room with her black dressing gown over her pajamas- furious eyes.

"It is something else, something I didn't expect." Jisung's Mum almost spat out in equal amounts of shock.

👀 What is it hehehe

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👀 What is it hehehe

Also I was hesitating on baby because idk if it's early

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