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What hurts the most is people can go from people you know, to people you don't

Aria pushed the door of Johnny's bedroom open, gazing into the darkness before slowly walking in despite the constant yells from the room across the hall.

"Don't fucking tell me what to do!"
"Shut up, go sleep downstairs! I don't even want to look at you!"

"Johnny?" She whispered into the pitch black room, sweater paws making her look more vulnerable and the boy in his bed mumbled something incoherent.

"Johnny..." She whispered again, walking over to his bed and standing next to it. "Johnny-"

"What?" His gruff, sleep coaxed voice asked, not even opening his eyes.
"I can't sleep." She whispered out, looking back to their parents room.

He hummed in response, still clinging onto sleep and Aria sighed, clambering into the large bed.

She layed on her back, looking up at the ceiling in which they had stuck glow up stars on when they were kids.

"You're such a fucking whore!"

Aria gulped down the salty taste that seeped into her parted lips, not realising that her eyes began to tear up and she hastily wiped it away- glancing at her brother who was sound asleep.

"Morning," Aria spoke, flicking on the kettle after filling it with water as her Parents were downstairs.

There was no reply and she glanced back at the two who stared at each other.
She was silent for a second before speaking again.
"Do you want me to make you guys coffee-"

"What time does your school finish?" Her Father interrupted sudden, pushing up his glasses and staring at the girl.
"Uh... around 4 ish."

He hummed, nodding before speaking up again.
"Okay, finish school and find a job."
"What?" Her eyes narrowed and heart dropped.

"You turned 18, you're not living under this roof for free."
"Wha- wait Johnny doesn't pay you guys to live here-"

Her Father intook a sharp breath of air as a warning and she clamped her lips shut before the waves of betrayal and hurt washed over her.

"Don't be so disrespectful to your Father Aria." Her Mother muttered almost forcefully, not taking her eyes off of the magazine in her hand.

"Mum?" She asked, hoping something would become clear or in the hopes she would take sympathy on her daughter.

"He's right, you're 18- nearly 19. You can't keep leeching off of us," she began, standing up and looking her daughter in the eye- swallowing the lump in her throat when all she could see the broken spirit in Aria's eyes, her shoulders slumped like there was a weight forcing it down.

"You're making things hard for me and your Father, all we do is argue now."

There it went again, the pang of guilt spreading through her and suddenly she felt as inadequate as she did at 5.

He throat was dry like sandpaper and everytime she tried to swallow it down, the more apparent it became.

"Are you blaming me?" She whispered out, taking in a shaky breath before her eyes flickered between her parents with her eyes stinging. "Are you saying it's my fault you both fight?" She asked more demandingly.

"Of course not," her Mother began.
Aria scoffed, putting the cup down harshly.
"You're contradicting yourself, you just said I'm making things hard and that all you do is argue!"

The air fell silent and her Father sighed, putting the newspaper down and stood up.
"Stop raising your voice at us, what has gotten into you-"
"What do you mean? What has gotten into me? You're telling me to pay to live here-"
"You're an adult-"
"So is Johnny!"

"Seo Aria do not raise your voice at me!" Her Father boomed out with his nostrils flared and the anger inside the girl fluctuated.

"Why are you picking on me? What the fuck did I do?" She burst out, clenching her fists with the pent up emotion fizzing around inside her. "Why can't you treat me with love? I'm your fucking daughter-!"

"You're not mine!" He screamed out.

Aria was almost panting, heaving with the uneven shaky breaths and every step she took it felt like the drums of her heartbeat sent her mind into overdrive.

Intoxicating in the worst ways, it drove her mad and the flurry of confusion and hurt and self deprecation all followed suit.

"You're not mine!"

The tracks of unwanted tears stained her face and the coldness of the evening sir hit them, stinging.

It didn't hurt as much as her heart, it clenched painfully tight as if it was a torture device made for her and the blood pumped out at frantic speed- the heat falling over her body and suddenly she couldn't grasp the situation quick enough.

Plagued in her mind, she reached the familiar clearing- internally grateful there was no one else there and she took a deep breath- letting it fill her aching body up before she let out a heart wracking cry.

Plagued in her mind, she reached the familiar clearing- internally grateful there was no one else there and she took a deep breath- letting it fill her aching body up before she let out a heart wracking cry

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Wow throw the whole parents away

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