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Aria was sat in her seat, staring off aimlessly at the back of the chair from the person in front; mind utterly plagued by the words, well screams, that unfolded this morning

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Aria was sat in her seat, staring off aimlessly at the back of the chair from the person in front; mind utterly plagued by the words, well screams, that unfolded this morning.

It was nothing out of the ordinary but the fact that they had been arguing a lot more about not wanting to be together left the girl on edge in the fear of them getting a divorce.

A lot of couples divorced but the lump in her throat grew and she was panicking inside herself whereas her eyes remained unmoving, so deep in thought she didn't notice the irritating Demon sitting next to her.

"Looking ugly as usual Doll."

Aria heard his annoying drawled out smug voice and she snapped out of her daze, glancing besides her to see his pitch black eyes staring at her with his lips etched in a dark smirk.

She narrowed her eyes at him before scoffing and facing the front.
"Shut up."
"Wow, that's not how you thank someone for saving your life... pretty ungrateful of you." He commented and Aria didn't reply.

"Ah, you're so irritating to be around." He stated distastefully, awaiting to usual snarky comebacks from the girl, instead he was met with her unusually silent self that stared off into the distance.

His eyes raked over her face, to her hands that fidgeted and her knee that bounced up and down.

The loud sound of her erratic heart pumping away in her chest made him irk slightly in irritation.

"You know, you punch one demon and think you're the almighty." He leant back in his chair whilst looking at her.

She felt the intensity of his dark eyes on her and harshly sighed, snapping her head to face him.

"What do you want? Seriously just fuck off."
His demeanor changed, switching instantly and his orbs flashing crimson tide of red, the veins in his neck and arm illuminating the same colour.

His eyebrows drew down and eyes narrowed at her so deadly, it left her slightly on edge.

"You're so fucking rude." He spat out, scoffing at her attitude. "This is why I hate you Humans." He crossed his arms over his chest, looking aimlessly at the lesson in front of them.

"Oh, like you're not rude?"
"I'm a Demon, get used to it."
"No, you know what? You're the one who thinks you own the world."

Donghyuck's slitted eyes drew to hers.
"You're forgetting I'd literally drain you of your blood in and instant and snap your fucking neck."

"Do it then." She spat back, upright in her seat, narrowed eyes at him. "You talk so highly about killing me, why don't you actually do it."

Donghyuck stared back at her with the swirling anger tracing around him and his fingers itched to snap her neck as she stared at him.

She was rolling her eyes, about to turn back to the front when his large hand clasped around her neck and she was taken aback when he forcefully moved her head to face him.

The unremorseful, red eyes slitted into hers with murderous intent and his tongue poked the side of his cheek.

Her own pools of brown in her eyes widened as he gripped her throat, not tight enough to close her intake of air but enough as a warning.

"You think I won't actually do it? Listen, I don't care who I kill, I'll fucking kill you and afterwards I wouldn't bat an eye." He hissed out, his fingers on the side of her neck tightened slightly to increase the pressure.

"That's enough Donghyuck." The teacher exclaimed through her fear and all eyes turned to them.

The two of them remained staring at each other, not backing down.
"Donghyuck." Jisung warned with his deeper voice. "Let go of her."

He was internally debating, the way her widened eyes stared into his own- the obvious fear swimming around them and the sound of her frantic blood rushing around.

Donghyuck tightened his hand around her neck and a sounded gasp fell from her lips but he gritted his teeth, snatching his hand away from her neck and pushing the chair back as he stood- it flying down and his figure strided over to the door- leaving Aria in shock.

Donghyuck tightened his hand around her neck and a sounded gasp fell from her lips but he gritted his teeth, snatching his hand away from her neck and pushing the chair back as he stood- it flying down and his figure strided over to the door- leav...

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Well that wasn't good start to their baking introduction smh

What should they make, for beginners

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