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I'm not me without you

The air was quiet when Aria emerged from the guest room that she was given, standing in the hallway for any noise- any sign that her friends were home

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The air was quiet when Aria emerged from the guest room that she was given, standing in the hallway for any noise- any sign that her friends were home.

Huh, odd.

Her eyes drifted over to Donghyuck's room where the door was fully opened yet there was no sign of him.

Disappointment soared through her as she sighed softly, begining to walk down the stairs, grasping onto the railing as her footsteps drew to the bottom of the steps.

Still, there was no noise- well except from one.

Aria's eyes landed on a familiar black cat who was promptly being chased by bubbles.

She suppressed a laugh, watching them fondly as they chased each other around the house.

"Hey Bubs." She said, crouching down next to the cat who decided to curl up on the floor at the sight of Aria.

"Oh, you want to be petted?" She asked with a smile, reaching over to stroke the purring cat who relaxed at her touch.

There were a series of meows, followed by a hiss from the jealous cat.
Aria made eye contact with Princess who's eyes were burning into the female stroking another cat.

"Wow, I didn't think you liked me that much." Aria joked, holding her hand out. Princess eyed it, seemingly unbothered yet she was proven wrong when the cat practically leaped towards her and into her lap- nuzzling her head.

"I might as well become a cat lady." She murmured, watching as Bubbles got up and began to walk in the direction of the living room.

Seeing this, Princess jolted up and immediately followed.

A smile stretched on her lips, standing up and heading in the same direction until she entered the living room.

Expecting no one, she walked in unaware of her surroundings before her eyes fell on the figure seated at the small desk to one side of the room.

She yelped, clutching her chest in shock.
"You scared me!"

The figure looked up from the desk, his eyes falling to the girl yet his reaction was far from shocked or apologetic, more stressed than anything.

"What are you doing?" She asked, scrunching her nose up as she walked hesitantly closer.

The round glasses perched on the bridge of his nose, hair messily strewn over his forehead as he sighed- massaging his forhead.

Her own forhead creased in concern and confusion as she stood next to him, looking over his shoulder at the array of books and notepads in front of him.

"I've been trying to research the possibilities of what you could be for days." He spoke, frustration setting on him.

"Jisung..." She trailed off, heart warming as she wasn't aware he would care that much to actively attempt to find out about it. "You don't have to." Aria frowned.

Sensing his frustration, Bubbles leaped up onto his lap as he instinctively began to stroke him out of habit.

"It's just...I don't know, I wanted to help." He said in a mumble at the end.
Aria suppressed the smile threatening to break as she opted in grabbing the old looking book.

"What's this? A hand guide to hell?" She joked and Jisung shrugged.
"I grew up reading them- you know Satan's son duties."
"I still can't believe your Mum killed him." Aria mumbled.

"He's not dead." Jisung said nonchalantly and the girl gasped in shock.

He nodded, flicking through the pages absentmindedly.
"She ripped his wings off and then locked him up."
"Where?" She breathed out in bewilderment.

"Well when I mean locked him up... I mean she called witches to turn him to stone."

You thought Satan died?

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You thought Satan died?

Nah he's a statue 😔✊🏼

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