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Unknowingly I started to fall for a heart that didn't beat for me

Aria found herself at a clear landing of a bridge, her mind buzzing and eyes burning with such feverish temperature she thought her eyes would go up into flames

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Aria found herself at a clear landing of a bridge, her mind buzzing and eyes burning with such feverish temperature she thought her eyes would go up into flames.

The sharp, excruciating pain of canines ejecting from her gums sent her into a groan of pain, clutching her mouth in her palms.

Body burning, her skin hot to the touch as she stumbled in agony- panting with the overwhelming sense of drive within her and it felt like a switch flipped.

Aria stood up straight- the surroundings lighting up as flames licked her body and her eyes deathly orange.

Almost like it was rehearsed, her gaze fixated on the direction of the distant scent of metallic blood.
Her feet began to walk without her mind processing it and she lost all concept of morality.

The pool of crimson blood drooled over to her feet and she looked down at it emotionless before crouched down at the girl, no more than 18 who layed there.

Screeching of tires skidded away from the scene and the lifeless girl layed in her own blood.

Aria was conflicted, her mind a frenzy before she crouched down beside the girl.
The hellhound pressed a hand to the girl's chest- feeling no rise or any signs of life.

Her body worked automatically, carefully picking the bloodied, dead girl in her arms with ease as her powers began to activate and the fire remained spread over her body yet the girl remained untouched.

All of a sudden, a flurry of white infiltrated the scene and an unknown Angel stood there, blocking the view.

"Put her down Hellhound." The Angel began and Aria narrowed her eyes at him.

The hellhound ignored him, continuing to stride away with the flames surrounding her.

"Put her down now." The Angel commanded and Aria turned around, hissing at him with her fangs barred.

"She has sinned." Orange eyes glazed over and the Angel looked down at the dead girl.

"Where's your master?"
Aria ignored the words, turning back around with the girl in her arms as she focused her mind on the attraction to Hell- her sight filling up with the purest of black.

When she reopened her eyes, her orange orbed eyes readjusted to the black gates surrounded by black smoke and fire blazed on it.

It was tall, grand gates that blocked the way and she felt drawn to it, the girl in her arms immobile as she began to walk towards it wordlessly.

Feeling dizzy, disoriented and overwhelmed- her feet worked without her commands and she found herself at the gate- staring into the gaps with her eyes burning and head aching.

The demonic guard glared at her with slitted eyes and a tongue sharp as a knife that stuck out of his lips.

He tilted his head, gazing into her orange eyes, the fire enclosing her body to the girl in her arms.

"Hellhound." He uttered to the other guard who immediately opened the gates that creaked open on impact and the girl stepped into the realm.

Unsure of where they were leading her, each standing either side of her- walking alongside almost robotic.

They reached a clearing, it wasn't near any buildings or people and in the middle stood the base of a tree trunk that had been cut low enough for someone to sit on but it was vast.

One of the Demon's turned to the other with red, emotionless eyes.
"Doyoung." He commanded and the Demon to the left of her bowed at the other one.
"Yes Taeyong."

Taeyong eyed the girl, flickering his gaze over to the lone tree stump.
"Show her how it's meant to be done."

Doyoung nodded curtly, walking over to the trunk with Aria following wordlessly, confused.

They both stopped and he nodded over to it.
"Put her down."
Aria gulped, nodding and placing the girl gently down.

"Your job is to chase down lost souls- like this one. You take her soul and collect it into this jar." He pointed to the jar on the side and she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.
"How...?" She breathed out in shock, looking down at the girl.

Doyoung and Taeyong shared a look.
"You are a hellhound, you should know-"

"She's new here." The familiar voice cut through the air and Aria turned around to see Chaerin leaning against the wall not far away.

Chaerin began to walk closer and the two men bowed. She stopped besides Aria, glancing down at the body before smiling reassuringly.

Chaerin took Aria's hand, dragging her over to the body and they stood over it.
"Focus on her, look at her." Chaerin began. "You'll feel her energy, see flashbacks of her life and see what person she was."

Aria swallowed the lump in her throat, gazing down at the girl- taking a deep breath and the sudden attack of a million images passed through her head.

She gasped, squeezing her eyes shut at the overwhelming sensation and her hand felt heavy.

Aria opened her eyes slowly, seeing what looked like dust gather up, hovering over the girl's chest and Chaerin guided her hand to point at the jar where her soul was kept.

Taeyong sealed the jar shut and Aria stood there immobile, unresponsive.

"Aria?" Chaerin asked, tilting her head at the lack of reply. "Aria...?"

Aria opened her mouth to speak, shock overwhelming her and her legs felt unstable- clambering onto the ground and on suit, she lost all consciousness.

Taeyong and Doyoung shared a look, sighing heavily with a shake of their heads.
"She has a lot to learn." Taeyong muttered, turning around to reside back at his post.

So how do you feel about it so far idk how to feel about her hellhound powers tbh

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So how do you feel about it so far idk how to feel about her hellhound powers tbh

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