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An intermittent gasp left Seyeon's lips, eyes honing in on the girl

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An intermittent gasp left Seyeon's lips, eyes honing in on the girl.
"Did she just talk back to me?" She scoffed out in disbelief to her group of male Humans surrounding her.

Aria squinted her eyes in disgust before harshly shoving her body out of Donghyuck's grip- turning towards the girl.

"Yes I did." She stated defiantly, shoving her hands into the pockets of her jacket.
"Listen you bitch," Seyeon snarled, lunging for the girl but Aria stood her ground.
"No you listen, bitch." Gasps resounded the air at the Human girl.

"She's going to die."
"Oh my God!"
"I can't watch."
"Kinda awkward that her and Donghyuck broke up."
"Aria girl don't-"
"Shit she's crazy."
"Damn I love Ria."
"Isn't it Ari?"
"Does it matter what her nickname is? She's about to get ripped to pieces."

On cue, her guardian angel came rushing into the formed crowd- stopping by Aria with his eyes wide.

"Aria let's just-"
"Aw, little Human girl has her Guardian angel to save her." Seyeon mocked, laughing and giving someone a high five.

"Wow, you're so funny I'm practically dying with laughter." Aria deadpanned sarcastically and Jaemin grabbed her arm to pull her away.

"Aria just leave it, it isn't worth it." Jaemin muttered, grabbing her upper arms and she glowered at Seyeon from over Jaemin's shoulders.

Seyeon had a bloody smirk on her lips- tongue tracing her fangs, sending a wink. Angrily, Aria huffed as she began to walk away with Jaemin.

"Oh and you can have my seconds, I don't care."

Donghyuck's head snapped up and all eyes flickered between him and Seyeon.
Aria also stopped, shock filling her and she turned to watch what his reaction would be.

He was pissed.

Chaerin narrowed her eyes, stepping up into the crowd with her shoulders pushed back.
"You've changed a lot."

Seyeon lowered her gaze, scowling before connection her eyes with Aria's.
"Next time, you watch bitch."
"Whatever, you're just all talk."

"Yeah, say it to my face you pussy!" Seyeon exclaimed out, earning a round of cheers and Aria raised her brows- wordlessly walking over to her.

She stopped right in front of her, grabbing Seyeon's collar and bringing her face closer.
"You're just all talk." She said clearly and the hallway went deadly silent.

The Demon's eyes twitched, mouth seeping with blood and eyes darkening with crimson fury.
Aria let go of her collar, stepping back only for a fist to plunder into the side of her jaw.

Her head whipped to the side, stumbling a bit and Jaemin thankfully steadied her- frantically fretting over her red jaw before turning to the Demon.

"You're out of line." He said with sharp eyes and Seyeon barked out a laugh, shaking her fist out before looking at Aria that cupped her jaw.
"Am I all talk now?" She tested and the rage inside the Human girl swirled ferociously- bubbling over the edges and hot waves of anger fell over her.

Her fingers gripped the roots of Seyeon's hair, pulling her head back and equally sending a brave punch to her nose- hearing the crack under it.

"Holy shit."
"Dude I can't watch."
"Get Aria out of there."
"Shit man."
"Seyeon is a bitch but she's hot."

Seyeon looked up in disbelief, eyes cutting deep into Aria's skin and the ball or fire hovered above her open palm.

Jaemin attempted to pull the girl away, knowing what was to come.
One of Seyeon's Demon friends held Jaemin away from Aria as she was now open to getting hit by a fireball.

Aria's eyes widened when Seyeon lifted her fiery hot palm up- meancing grin on her lips as she launched it towards her.

The Human girl gasped, watching it hurl towards her at high speed, red filling her vision before it was infiltrated by black.

She let her eyes adjust as gasps filled the air- her sight trailed up till they met the back of Donghyuck's head.

He stepped in front of her- catching the fireball effortlessly with a dark expression haunting his face.
Head tilted down slightly with his red burning eyes piercing up through his lashes, eyebrows raised with the slit adding to the dark demeanour.

Hand outstretched, clutching the ball of fire in his bare palm and the sight was unmatched, Seyeon's own lips parting in shock as her ex stared down at her while defending a mere human.

Hand outstretched, clutching the ball of fire in his bare palm and the sight was unmatched, Seyeon's own lips parting in shock as her ex stared down at her while defending a mere human

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Well well

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