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Somehow the two had ended up on the rooftop of the school, staring each other down with deathly angered eyes

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Somehow the two had ended up on the rooftop of the school, staring each other down with deathly angered eyes.

"Why would you do that to him?"

Seyeon raised her brows at the question, leaning against the wall of the rooftop, looking at Aria.
"I can do it to you too if you want me to." Seyeon drawled out, raking her eyes up and down the length of her body.

"You're actually disgusting you know that?" Aria commented with a look of vile on her face.
"Yeah, heard it all before babe." She said bored.

Aria narrowed her eyes at him.
"Do you have any remorse, any at all? How can anyone be that heartless what the fuck."

Seyeon scoffed, running her hand through her hair.
"Listen Aria, I just like feeling... powerful okay?"
"By tormenting and turning an innocent Human."

Seyeon shrugged.
"Maybe I shouldn't have turned him but his blood was too sweet to resist- at least I didn't kill him, he should be thankful."

Aria stared the Demon girl down, her patience running thin.
"Anyway, I'm going to get him back- he's mine." Seyeon spoke- uninterested in the conversation.

"Try taking him from me then." Aria challenge and Seyeon raised her brows.

"You make me laugh." Seyeon began and Aria walked towards her with emotionless eyes.
"Hopefully you have that attitude when I'm beating the shit out of you, because it seems like it's overdue." Aria bit back.

Seyeon hissed, fangs sharpened as the Hellhound began to transform with her raging anger- eyes flashing orange.

The two girls both lunged at each other, both of them blinded by rage and Seyeon gripped Aria's hair- yanking it in an attempt to be the one to beat her up.

Aria grabbed her arm, her hellhound agility proving to be heightened as she twisted Seyeon's arm- kicking her stomach.

Seyeon went crashing onto the floor, skidding against it as Aria blew a piece of hair out of her face.

"Oh it's fucking on."
"You're all talk." Aria said with a languid smirk, repeating the first words they exchanged.

Seyeon got back up on her feet and ran towards Aria at full speed yet neither of them wanted to back down.

Aria pulled herself up from the floor, blood dripping from her cut lip and she spat out the metallic taste.

"Too bad you're not fully Human, otherwise I'd drink from you." Seyeon groaned out from the floor- gripping her ribs.

"Shut the fuck up and stand up. Giving up already?"
"Just enjoying the view." Seyeon muttered, screwing her face up.

Aria, bruised and exhausted, stumbled over to the girl- determined and driven by anger as she bent down and gripped the material of Seyeon's shirt- pulling her up till they were face to face.

"Listen to me, never ever fucking go near him again okay? You've done enough and mark my words- I will not hesitate to kill you. After all, I'll be the one handling you after you die." Aria spat out, shoving the panting girl away who fell back onto the ground.

"You have some confidence believing it would work out between you." Seyeon said between breaths and Aria wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

"You don't know me Seyeon."
"Don't I? I think you're forgetting I have my men everywhere, you think I haven't been keeping tabs on you?"

"Your men can gladly suck my dick."

Seyeon laughed despite her pains.
"I'm not done with you, give me five minutes though- my makeup is ruined."

"You've got to be kidding." Aria deadpanned and Seyeon rolled her eyes.
"Of course I'm fucking kidding," she began, standing up with a wince. "I'm not one to back down."

Seyeon came running towards the hellhound who at the last minute disappeared, only to reappear behind her.

"Super speed baby." Aria said with a smirk and Seyeon growled at her- lunging for her.

The two girls rolled on the floor until Aria gained the higher ground and straddled her- not wasting anytime before pounding her fist into her face.

"Do you know...how it feels...now?" Aria grunted out in between her punches. "You sick... twisted-"

Seyeon ultimately gave in, laying still in pain as the hellhound straddled her but her punches stopped.

"I'm not kidding Seyeon, you disgust me."
"I know, I disgust me too but you know what they say, sometimes you're too far gone to come back."

"Bullshit." Aria spat out, hovering over her and gripping her shirt in her fists. "Stop trying to make excuses. How dare you manipulate him, you didn't deserve someone like him. You don't deserve anything."

"What makes you so sure that you deserve him?" Seyeon coughed out, closing her eyes as the taste of dirt infiltrated her mouth.

"Because I'd put him before me and that's something you never did."


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