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The aftermath consisted of Jaemin attempting to check Aria's throbbing red jaw that had a hue of purple on the perimeter of the struck she took to the face

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The aftermath consisted of Jaemin attempting to check Aria's throbbing red jaw that had a hue of purple on the perimeter of the struck she took to the face.

Donghyuck was watching Seyeon's retreating form with his chest rising and falling heavily- fist clenched so tight his fingers could have broken.

"Hyuck-" Chaerin began softly, reaching out to him but the boy pulled his arm out of her grip, turning around with rage overwhelming him, betrayal and heartbreak.

Aria just about caught sight of him as he strided away in a flurry of agonising fury- his warmth brushing past her and his pitch black wings looming over him as he walked with heavy feet.

Chaerin sighed, shoulders slumping before her eyes fell to Aria that wiped away her angry tears, shallow angry breaths glowering at the demonic girl.

"Are you alright?" Chaerin asked, eyes falling over her bruised jaw and the frustration in her eyes which she felt on accord of being weaker than a Demon just because she was a Human.

Aria nodded curtly, not trusting her voice and pulling herself out of Jaemin's grip as he tried to worry over her.

"Just leave me alone Jaemin, I don't want a guardian Angel!" Aria bursted out, shocking them all. "I'm not weak, I don't need protecting!"

Jaemin stepped back from the girl with hurt flashing across his features and the Human girl hurriedly walked away with her disheartened feelings.

Chaerin glanced over at Jaemin who had his head down and she picked up Aria's discarded phone.

"She doesn't mean it...I know how she feels." Jaemin glanced up at the Demon girl. "You feel insignificant compared to Demons as a Human...it's frustrating to know you can't overpower them."

"I know." Jaemin muttered, running a hand through his hair. "I'm just trying my best but it's hard..."

Renjun sighed harshly from against the lockers, walking over and sending a harsh pat on the back.
"Straighten up and show her she needs to listen to you- you angel's are too soft hearted."

"Shut up Renjun." Jisung commented and the boy clamped his mouth shut, stepping back.

"Thanks Chaerin..." Jaemin trailed off with a heavy heart. "Aria is so stubborn and she's a nice girl and all but she just..." Jaemin trailed off, scratching the back of his head.

"I like her." Chaerin spoke, glancing in the direction the girl left in. "And I hope you don't mind me wanting to become friends with her."

"Fuck!" He screamed out, his hoarse voice coaxed with anger vibrating his fiery chest as he threw his fist into the brick wall.

He hissed out at the sensation of pain, heat growing inside of him the more anger he had- leaning his head on the wall- deep heavy breaths expelling from his lungs.

She played in his head, his ex girlfriend who stood in front of him with no indication of heartbreak.

"You can have my seconds."

It sparked at his heart, punishing it to clench painfully and soon he found himself seeing red- evaporating in a pit of black smoke to take his anger out on innocent Humans.

It sparked at his heart, punishing it to clench painfully and soon he found himself seeing red- evaporating in a pit of black smoke to take his anger out on innocent Humans

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Anywhores what do you guys think should happen 😔

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