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A week later

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A week later

Aria stared up at the grand, intricate exterior house in front of her- mulling over the letter her late Father had written for her.

The girl glanced down at her feet, the black cat protectively lingering around with her orange eyes glazing over the dark night sky.

"I'm nervous." She muttered to Princess who in return just stared blankly at her. "Okay, you don't have to give me those judgy eyes, damn." Aria scoffed, shaking her head.

Raising her fist, he defiantly knocked on the door three times before stepping back and awaiting the welcome of the door opening.

Practically holding her breath, thoughts flurried around her mind and knawed at her brain.

Where are you?


Just making sure you don't get killed like the awesome boyfriend I am

I'm in fact very much half alive

Where are you though Belle

I'm just visiting someone Hyuck, tell Chaerin I'll be back to help her pick out an outfit for her date

I can't be bothered to be honest
Im bored
Come back

You already miss me?
Well what can I say, I'm pretty amazing and unforgettable

Yeah sure babe totallyyy

Cool, that's fine then

Yeah why would I miss you haha

No that's fine Donghyuckie
I'm sure the British boy from the store is still waiting with my dress

Are you at the store??


You really infuriate me

I know duckie

Shut up

No you shut up

I'm older than you
Respect your elders kid

Sorry my bad oldie
I'm still counting down the days to throw you into a retirement home

That's so rude Belle
At least put me there nicely

HM no promises
I don't think anyone is home

They probably don't want to see you
I don't blame them

Ha ha- so funny

I know right, my humour is impeccable

So will be my fist in your face you moron

Hey why are you so aggressive
This is bullying

Im glad you realise honey

Have you seen my favourite thing in the world?

Yeah I'm right here

I meant Princess but ok

And she's with ME so ha!

Why is she with you

Because she hates you
And technically
She's my family cat so

I mean I raised her for most of my life but sure

Okay fine
She can be our cat

Didn't agree to that

Okay cool, gimme a sec though

Why, where are you going?

To the store


Aria scoffed a laugh, smiling to herself as she looked down at the cat purring against her leg.

"I don't think they're here." She said, sighing as she turned around to walk down the steps.

"Hello? Can we help you?" A woman's voice called out hesitantly, glancing at the girl that stood outside their house.

Aria glanced up, eyes falling to the couple standing in the street- the woman's arm through her husband's.

"Oh, do you live here?"
"Yes...but who are you?"

Aria realised how odd it looked and she immediately began walking down towards them with a friendly smile.

"I'm Aria."
The couple shared a skeptical confused glance and it dawned on the girl..

"Daiyu! I'm Daiyu... I found out about you through my Dad's letter. He said to come here?"

Their faces lit up in recognition, the woman's eyes raking over the girl in shock.

She hurriedly looked around for any onlookers.

"Daiyu." She breathed out. "Quick, come inside and don't let anyone see you."


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