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Whatever might kill me, I won't give up
the fight for you

Donghyuck felt the immense sparks eliciting through his veins, the heaviness of his body making him screw his eyes shut as the gold and red illuminated the room

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Donghyuck felt the immense sparks eliciting through his veins, the heaviness of his body making him screw his eyes shut as the gold and red illuminated the room.

The intensity of the situation grew, the air thick and soon the peak of it all was followed by the windows smashing, shattering around them all.

Donghyuck's eyes widened, hunching himself over the girl in attempts to shield her from the sharp shards raining down on them.

The chaos ceased, the glass littering the ground and the air suddenly fell silent.

His eyes darted down to the girl who remained unconscious, the bite mark on her neck still fresh and a sense of guilt filtered through him as he looked away- unable to withstand the fact he had bitten her against her will.

"It was to save her." Jisung spoke out, almost like he knew Donghyuck's thoughts.
"What does it make her?" Chaerin asked, looking up at Jisung.

He sighed.
"I don't know, we won't until she wakes up."

Donghyuck's eyes stared down at the girl, feeling the overwhelming sensation of the unknown feeling flush through him.

"Aria! Aria wait for me!" The sound of Johnny's voice yelled as he ran after the 5 year old girl that giggled profusely.
"Johnny stop running, you'll get hurt!" Mina exclaimed in worry.

Donghyuck's eyebrows drew down in confusion before it dawned on him, it's her memories.

"You can't even do anything right! What's wrong with you?" She shouted at the 8 year old girl who's eyes gleamed with tears.
"I'm sorry Mum-"
"Whatever, go and do nothing seeing as that's what you're best at."

"Hey Dad! Look, I got an A!" The 11 year old girl squealed, running into the room as she showed her result paper.
Sangmin didn't even give her a second glance as she stood there with excitement.
"Isn't it good? Didn't i do good-"
"Why are you celebrating so fast, it isn't as if you've been getting straight A's." He scoffed and her smile dropped.
"But..." She trailed off. "Aren't you proud of me?"
Sangmin harshly put his newspaper down, standing up and leaving the room without another word.

"You know, I think you have anger issues sometimes." Johnny voiced, throwing the ball at the wall and catching it as the 15 year old girl layed on his bed with her phone in hand.
"Shut up Johnny."

"What? Say that again!" Sangmin screamed, Aria cowering back. "You're fucking useless, what's wrong with you! You're tearing this family apart, go fucking kill yourself!"

"Hey Aria!" Jaemin smiled, his white wings standing out behind him as he approached the seventeen year old girl.
"Oh, hey Jaemin." She said quietly to her guardian angel that frowned.
"What's wrong?"
"Honestly, everything."

"You got into another fight? Do you know how much shame you bring to this family! How fucking dare you! Leave this house-"
"Get out, get out!" He screamed, pushing her towards the door when she slipped, her head harshly hitting the corner of the steps.

"Mum, why are you crying?"
"Why do you think Aria?" She muttered, harshly wiping her tears away. "Can't you at least help us out with the money? You're Eighteen."

"I wish I was like you." The girl said to Aria. "You're so headstrong and fierce. I wish I had a life like yours."


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