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The dawn right before the sun rises is the darkest

The dawn right before the sun rises is the darkest

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"Do you think I overreacted?"

"Dunno, you both are too stubborn." Renjun shrugged, clapping his hands and standing up.

"Excuse me while I go argue with some Angels." He quipped, disappearing into a pit of black smoke, leaving the two semi heartbroken and saddened teens.

Jisung was slumped down on his chair, head leaning back as he stared at the overhead ceiling fan.

Aria layed on the sofa as she stared up at the tall ceiling with her mind plagued with Donghyuck- endlessly worrying about him.

"Maybe we both overreacted." Jisung spoke to break the saddening silence. "But I think he should have told you why he was going with them to ease your mind...I'm worried about him too."

Aria hummed in agreement before sighing heavily.
"I'm just worried I overstepped and let myself get too angry, you know?"
"You were just worried Aria."

The girl dragged her hand over her face, feeling the frustration in her build up the more she thought of it.

"What's on your mind?" He asked, eyeing the girl who seemed to be conflicted with herself.

She shrugged, fiddling with the pillow in her lap.
"Just...I don't know." She exhaled out slowly. "It's stupid."

"Hm, probably not."
"Sometimes...I feel like I'm not capable of being loved, I feel like there's no way someone could love me one hundred percent for myself and endlessly." She confessed.

"He does, you know that?"
"I know Jisung but something in my head keeps telling me that I'm not enough, that's I'm not a good girlfriend."

"There's no girlfriend rule book, every relationship is different and you're still learning about the other person as time goes. Relationships aren't always happy and they often fight and disagree- its life."

"I think I'm just scared..."
"Scared to blindly let someone love you and know everything about you without hiding it all?"
"Yeah, like Hyuck is the most amazing person in the whole world and I could never fault him but it isn't his fault I feel this way."

"I know Aria, don't blame yourself for how you feel. It's okay to go at a different pace and route than other relationships. You guys get along really well and I know you've changed him for the better."

"He has made me a better person honestly." She smiled. "I just worry about a lot."

"Have you told him?"
Aria hesitated before shaking her head.
"I feel like I'm being dramatic and he probably just wants a loving happy girlfriend."

Jisung laughed, amused which made the girl narrow her eyes at him.
"Sorry, you just remind me of Chaerin. She would never tell me how she felt about our relationship other than it being good...she never told me how she saw other couples and wished she could be like that towards me."

"Yeah, it's okay to feel whatever way you feel. Donghyuck doesn't want a 'loving, happy girlfriend'- he just wants you Aria."

Aria nodded despite the overwhelming blurriness from her tears.
"Being in a relationship is hard sometimes, you know? You have the other person to think about and you never want to intentionally hurt them but sometimes it happens...but that's where the communication comes in." He spoke.

"Communication is key, I know- I've just been hesitant in case he starts to second guess himself."
"He won't, as long as you reassure him...he never speaks about how he feels for the same reasons. I think you both will benefit from talking about it."

She nodded, wiping her tears away.
"Thanks Sungo." She sniffled and he smile, nodding in acknowledgement.

Aria laughed at the situation she'd ended up in that stemmed from worry and jealousy- rolling her eyes at the tears that kept spilling.

Jisung had made his way over to the girl, sitting himself besides her on the sofa as he patted her back.

"You're welcome trouble."
"Yeah, you're always getting in trouble and I have to make sure no one comes to kill you for it...you make my job a lot harder."

Aria chuckled as he narrowed his eyes at her but couldn't help the laugh sparking from his throat.

She took a deep breath before letting herself calm down.
"It will be okay won't it?"
"It will all be okay." He reassured even though he wasn't too sure himself.

Aria nodded, leaning her head on his shoulder as they both watched their cats playing with each other.

Aria nodded, leaning her head on his shoulder as they both watched their cats playing with each other

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Communication is KEY

Anyway yeah bit of Jiria bonding honestly their character development >>>

Renjun really just dipped 💀

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