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Sadistic, cruel and ruthless

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Sadistic, cruel and ruthless.

Donghyuck's hand gripped around the neck of the innocent human who's pleas escaped in the fearful tears that dripped down her cheeks.

"Please, p-please let me go." She whimpered out, big broken glazed over eyes, her shaky hands grasping over his wrist in attempts to stop him.

Donghyuck's whole demeanor was switched, snarls on his lips and his fangs dripping in crimson red from the several other victims.

He chuckled deeply, desensitised to her struggles.
"Struggling only makes it worse darling." He spoke lowly, his face next to her ear- the tantalising whisper seeping darkly.

His snarled whisper cutting through the air and his hot breath fanned her face.
She whimpered, rigid in absolute fear.

"I didn't do a-anything, please!" She cried out weakly, helpessly.
His voided eyes that held no remorse stared into hers, grabbing her arm and his face remained stoic as he twisted it painfully.

The snap echoed, mangled through her screams of pain which he thrived off of.
His lips etched into a smirk, fangs barred out and his eyes flashing red as they punctured the skin of her neck.

Diving into the pulsating artery and the taste of metallic blood gushing out, half spilling out of his mouth and her screams only grew until they ceased and her body fell limp.

Donghyuck pulled away, huffing angrily for air- throwing the girl aside harshly and she went clambering into the floor.

He looked at the array of dead bodies around him, gripping at his hair with the chuckle rupturing his throat and the chuckles turned into laughs, aching his stomach and he continued to laugh loudly.

The sound was terrifying, manic laughs that left the air tense and the scent of blood overpowering- his wings smeared in the crimson liquid.

Donghyuck stumbled back with his fingers gripping the roots of his hair as his heart ached painfully and left him angered, creating a havoc inside which he couldn't stop.

His back hit the wall, his back scraping down it until he crumbled to the ground his distant eyes staring into the pitch black darkness.

Alone, that's how he always felt.

Aria hummed to herself, sitting calmly intoxicated by the tranquility and aimlessly conversed with Jaemin through her texts.

He was going through a difficult time with his girlfriend- his first love and her heart ached for him.

The sounds of desperate meows and whimpering filled the air and Aria swiftly tuned her head around.

"Gatto." She breathed out in recognition, not hearing the usual 'that's not her name', making her eyes scope the area in confusion.

Princess inched closer, her paws scraping lightly at Aria's leg, whimpering.
"What's wrong, where's Donghyuck?" She asked as though it could reply.

She stared down into its orange eyes that were glassy and Aria kept looking around but there was no sign of her owner.

"You should go home, he must be looking for you." Aria spoke, unsure of what to do and returned back to gazing at the scenery.

Princess bit at her jacket, attempting to drag her but Aria obviously didn't budge. It took a few more desperate meows before Aria stood up, watching the black cat scurry off into the distance before stopping as Aria didn't follow her.

Catching on, the girl began to follow the cat, unsure of what was to come.

Catching on, the girl began to follow the cat, unsure of what was to come

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