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The cool air forced itself to brush against her skin, calming her down- her hands no longer shook and the waves of heat radiating up her body was no more

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The cool air forced itself to brush against her skin, calming her down- her hands no longer shook and the waves of heat radiating up her body was no more.

Rage, it caused her to become boiling with fury and the secluded cliff she always came to was her only escape.

Fortunately, this time it was actually secluded and she sighed, relieved. Perching herself to sit a little away from the edge but close enough to see the beauty of the city.

A long sigh fell from her lips, expelling the angry pent up emotions and she leant back on her palms- tilting her head up for the cool midnight air to fall upon her.

The sound of shuffling brought the girl out of her intense thoughts and she immediately looked to the sound at a feeble, small meow.

"Gatto..." She trailed off in a whisper to herself, watching the black cat walk along the edge of the cliff.
The midnight moon shone down at it and she watched it closely.

"She's not called Gatto."

Aria spun around partially, her eyes raking up the dark figure until it landed on his face that stared down at her with his pitch black orbs.

"I know." She spoke almost too lethargic to argue back and she turned around, facing the bright lights and radiant space below her.

Princess let out a string of soothing meows, stretching her body out and laying on the cold soothing ground, stealing the attention.

Donghyuck didn't say anything, only walking towards his cat and crouching besides it.
"I thought you were with bubbles." He murmured, stroking the pitch black cat endearingly.

"Who's bubbles?" Aria asked curiously at the ridiculously out of place name for a cat- though she assumed it was a cat.
"Chaerin's cat." He said almost bluntly.

The air was silent, the only sound being her soft breaths and she closed her eyes to let herself indulge into the tranquility.

Donghyuck glanced back, his hand still stroking his cat but his eyes remained on the girl.

"Why do you come here at night, do you truly have a death wish?"
"Hm, probably."
He scoffed humourously and turned his attention to the city.

"What about you?"
Donghyuck didn't answer immediately, watching as Princess slept.
"I came to find my cat."
"Oh...is she always here?"
"Mostly- her last owner jumped from here."

There was a silence that followed and Aria's eyes fell to the cat.
"Is she like a cat of Hell?"

Donghyuck sighed, still crouched and now he took his hand away, putting his hands into his pockets of the black leather jacket- standing up as the moon drew down on him.

"What's it like- Hell?"
"I can show you if you jump."
"Ha, ha. Funny." She quipped wryly, standing up and stretching her arms out before her small steps patted against the ground and she came to a stop a fair distance away from him.

"I didn't actually think you would jump, I mean I could kill you another way."
"Shut up." She grumbled, looking down at the blurry lights and the sound of cars echoing the air.

"The night is calming." She said, her eyes staring off into the black sky and he also looked up and shrugged.
"It's whatever."

"What would happen if I push you?" She asked lightly and Donghyuck raised his brows, teeth biting down on his ring habitually.
"Hm," he jokingly pondered, it vibrating through the air. "Why don't you find out?"

"If I killed a Demon would I go to hell?"
"If you kill do you go heaven?" He asked like she was dumb and Aria pursed her lips shut.

"I have a question." She began and Donghyuck glanced at her before chuckling wryly and tilting his head up.
"I doubt you should be asking me anything."

The girl nodded in agreement yet she still turned to face him as he looked out to the city.
"Why do I need a guardian Angel, I'm already 18?"
"You are?" He asked with partial shock on his features and she nodded.

"I mean you're not meant to have one after 18..." He trailed off unsure of the answer to her question. "It's probably because you're irritating."

"You're the irritating one." She huffed and Donghyuck let out a deep sarcastically hum unconvincingly.

"Are you planning on staying here all night?" He asked mockingly, the sky getting even darker and he twirled the ring around his finger aimlessly.

"I just don't want to go home." She shrugged and on cue her phone began ringing- the sound awakening Princess who immediately hissed at the girl.

The caller ID of her Mum flashed on the screen and she sighed heavily, harshly putting it into her pocket.

"Seems like it's your bedtime." He mused and Aria glared at him.
"I hope you fall off the cliff." She huffed in frustration, turning around to walk- stride away.

"Goodnight Belle."

This time when she looked back, he was standing there with his back facing her and the dark aura standing on the edge of the cliff- her still standing out in the gloomy sky.

This time when she looked back, he was standing there with his back facing her and the dark aura standing on the edge of the cliff- her still standing out in the gloomy sky

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