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"I can't believe I have to bake, with you

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"I can't believe I have to bake, with you."
"You say it like it's a bad thing." He commented lazily, twirling the pen between his fingers and Aria rolled her eyes.

"That's the whole point idiot."
"I think you're forgetting I saw your panda pajamas...I hope you don't think I'll let you live it down."

Aria groaned, pushing her head in her hands.
"I fucking hate you, with a burning passion."
"Lovely," he commented wryly.

Renjun raised his brow from his shared table with the Angel Chenle and glanced over at Jisung and Chaerin.

"He seems..."
"Yeah." Renjun trailed off, watching Donghyuck and Aria bicker but they were both trying to overpower each other.

"Jaemin isn't happy about it." Chenle commented and Renjun glanced at the boy.
"Who told you to speak?"
"W-well..." Chenle began, stuttering under the Demon's glare. "S-sorry I was just saying..."

"So," Aria began, turning in her chair to face him. He sat slumped back on the chair with his finger twirling his lip ring, aimlessly looking around the classroom.

"I have the urge to just rip that out of your lip."
"Wow," he began feigning the pain and then he glanced at her. "You're very sadistic aren't you?"
"Only to people I hate."

Donghyuck laughed, vibrating in his chest and he instead ran a hand through his hair.
"Glad we agree on something Belle."

"Anyway," she drawled out, scrolling down the webpages on her laptop and hummed indecisively. "What do you want to bake."

"Does burning you alive count?"
"Funny." She retorted dryly and Donghyuck sat up straighter in his seat and actually looked at the screen.

"I mean we could do something like a simple sponge cake?" She suggested and he shook his head, pointing at the appealing looking brownies.
"I don't know...let's keep looking." She muttered.

Not long after, while the two were immersed in looking at recipes- their shoulders nudging against each others and a sharply manicured hand slammed down on the table.

Aria jumped at the sudden interruption, glancing up to see the one person- Demon she hated- well aside from Donghyuck.

"Fancy seeing you here." Seyeon spoke, raising her eyebrows with her hands on the table, leaning over.
"You came over to my table, I don't know what you were expecting." Aria muttered back uninterested.

Donghyuck's eyes didn't leave the laptop, feeling his rage swirl inside him uncontrollably.
"Shut up you whore."
"Ironic of you to say so."
"What?" Seyeon barked out, gasping offended.

Aria looked up at Seyeon like she was stupid.
"I'm insinuating that you're the real whore hunny...or is it not clear enough? Now get your tits out of my face and leave."

Seyeon scoffed, running her tongue over her teeth.
"Wait till I fucking kill you, no one will save you then."
"Mm, sounds great- maybe we can go for dinner before."

Seyeon glowered down at Aria with an incredulous look before huffing and stomping off.
"Bitch." The Demon muttered.

Aria was not fazed, continuing to look at the recipes as Donghyuck's eyes burned into the side of her face.
"I think we should just make some cookies."

At his lack of reply, she glanced to the side to see him looking directly at her and her chest lurched in surprise.

"Look, I don't care if you hate me for being rude to your ex-"
"No, it's just...why are you so fearless towards Demons anyway?" He asked genuinely curious.

Aria pondered on it, pursing her lips and scratching her head awkwardly.

"Maybe you shouldn't have had the kids then!"
"Maybe I shouldn't have, I regret everything!"
"If it's that hard just fucking kick them out, you stress me out so much!"

Her eyes were glazed over, distant stuck in her own thoughts yet he still watched her.
The mood shifted and suddenly it became awkward as she reminisced.

"What's the point being scared over dying if you're going to die anyway?" She answered with shrug.
"Sounds slightly suicidal but okay."

Aria laughed slightly, her eyes looking only at the screen as she began to print out the recipe.

Aria laughed slightly, her eyes looking only at the screen as she began to print out the recipe

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Hyuri ftw

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