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"Please, make yourself at home

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"Please, make yourself at home." Aera spoke, nimbly walking over to the windows and peering through them before drawing the curtains closed.

"Um..." Aria trailed off, glancing at Minho who began to lift his hand, glowing purple emitting from it as he directed it to the walls- chanting something under his breath.

Aera slipped her coat off, clicking her fingers and the sudden sound of the kettle boiling hissed through the air.

"Tea or coffee darling?"

Aria was beyond shocked, mouth parted in bewilderment and eyes frozen on the woman.
"...uh- I'm fine with anything thank you...."

Do witches or wizards exist

I'm trying to spend quality time here

With what your stuffed bunny?


Watch me start calling you bunny



Belle. He spoke warningly.


We're breaking up


Wow what the hell, that's rude

I'm joking my friend

Friend zoned


Anyway yeah they do exist but where the hell are you idiot, I was so close to teleporting over to your dumbass

I'm at the couple's house- the one my dad mentioned

Why didn't you let me come

You were too busy singing in the living room and I couldn't be bothered to interrupt

Chaerin is in your room borrowing makeup she said


nah it's just the guest room don't get ahead of yourself baby

Well looks like I'm going back to my human house

Hell no
And yes you're part of the family Belle

You know it really does mean a lot to me...damn remember when we met

Yeah you were in my way and you had major attitude

Dude you broke my phone and then remember you choked me in class

Knew you were kinky


Mhm, stay safe and tell me when you're coming home though, I'll come get you

Wow I have a babysitter

A sexy one

Can't argue with that

I know
Okay I'm going back to sleep bye

Okay Bunny have a good nap

I hate you
But I love you a little so bye

"I'm sure you're confused." Aera began, walking into the room with a cup of hot steaming tea in her hands.

"Just a bit." Aria breathed out, taking a seat opposite the couple as the hesitated before speaking.

"We were good friends with your Father- he was the kindest soul and love you so much."

Minho nodded, taking a sip of his own coffee.
"He left a lot of things with us for you...we didn't think you'd show but here you are- a hybrid at that- how did it even happen?"

Aera nudged her husband warningly before sighing.
"Sorry, he's a little too fascinated with new creatures...besides the point," she began, setting her mug down.

"He left a lot of educational books about this world, his diary growing up as a Hellhound and a lot of pictures of him as a reminder of him."

Minho flicked his wrist, the brown cardboard box floating over and placing itself down on the table.

"He wanted you to have his necklace, it holds a lot of significance to him."

Aria glanced down in the box, gently and hesitantly grasping the cold chain in her hand- the pendant in her palm.

The girl's eyes raked over it, the silver chain was a simple one with a pretty, see striking black diamond gemstone.

She stared at it in shock, taken aback by its alluring beauty.

Aera placed a hand over Aria's arm, gaining her attention.
"That is...it's very important you keep that to yourself. He trusts you with it the most."

"Oh...well it's beautiful." She smiled, flickering her eyes around the pitch black shiny gem.

"It might be beautiful but it's a lot more than that. Don't let it get into the wrong hands."

"What do you mean?" Aria tiled her head to the side in confusion.
Minho and Aera shared a glance and the woman bit her lip in hesitance.

"I'm serious, keep it safe and don't let anyone have it. Your Father should explain in one of his diary entries."

"But it's just a necklace..."
"It's one important necklace, trust me on it."

Aria glanced down, her eyes falling to the black diamond shining in the lights above her head.

What's so important about a necklace?

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