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"Four years old with my back to the door, all I could hear was the family war"

She wasn't one to step into the fight, letting the pain it caused just by listening to it, cluster up inside her till it made her feel twisted with anger

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She wasn't one to step into the fight, letting the pain it caused just by listening to it, cluster up inside her till it made her feel twisted with anger.

Confused, hurt- unsure why she was hurt. She felt guilty and overrode with burning anger which she felt reflected off of the constant hurls of bitter words.

It squeezed at her chest, leaving her wanting to scream out at them, scream at them to stop. Aria had always felt the glimmers of guilt waving over her even if they didn't directly blame her.

Difficult when it was all she heard and it reminded her of the toxicity of the family bond. What bond? What family?

Abashed by the sense of whirling rage that wove itself through her every nerve, and resulted with Aria's short temper and bitter words.

Some days she was absolutely apathetic to the screams, unreactive to it and other days she practically remained cooped up in the confines of her room with the music on full blast in hopes to drown it all out.

Aria felt dramatic; selfish for centering the pain she felt towards the situation when it had nothing to do with her.
She felt dramatic for feeling fuelled with anger from it.
Dramatic for feeling guilty.

"What do you mean, we had enough money the other day- what happened?"
"I don't fucking know! Why don't you work more."
"Are you being serious, you're telling me to work more?"
"We have mouths to feed!"

"Well you shouldn't have had the kids then!"

There it went, the pang in her chest that left her mouth dry and body frozen in shock.

Aria grabbed her jacket and felt the warm sensation throw over her body like a constricting blanket- needing some air- she walked down the stairs.

"Where are you going? It's nearly midnight!" Her father yelled out and Aria opened the door with a mutter.
"I'll be back soon."

"What is it?" Her Mother asked when the door shut and her Father sighed.
"Fucking disrespectful, we raised her and gave her everything she needed and this is how we get repaid? She could at least find a job and pull her weight."

The cold gusts of autumn air grazed across her cheeks and she pushed her glasses up her nose- pulling her jacket closer as she walked towards her destination.
It was a five to ten minute walk and the scenery was unmatched.

A cliff, a small cliff that overlooked the bright bustling city of Seoul and it often calmed her down and pulled her down to earth again, not letting the girl get caught up in her thoughts.

She reached the cliff, eyes trained on the small black cat that purred it's way around and she was unknown of her surroundings.

"If you came to jump, I'd say you should go to a higher cliff."

Aria looked up at the voice, he stood at the edge with his hands shoved into his pocket and his dark demeanour oozing off of him.

Aria glared up at his side profile, walking up until she wasn't too far away.
"What are you doing here?"
"Could ask you the same." He replied nonchalantly.

She narrowed her eyes at him yet he wasn't looking at her, instead his eyes trained on the lit up city down below them.

The girl watched as the pure black cat nuzzled itself up against Donghyuck's leg, purring and he remained unfazed.

"That's...a slightly terrifying cat." She referred to it's piercing orange eyes that stared up at her with almost a snarl on its lips at her eyes that looked down at it hesitantly.

It sent chill down her spine yet she couldn't look away.
Donghyuck stood there still looking out off the cliff with his teeth grazing the lip ring and the cat began to growl quietly.

Sudden it let out a big hiss and she yelped, putting her hands on her chest as it jumped over to her.

"Stop it Gatto."
The cat immediately ceased its actions, staring up at Aria who was cowered in fear- clutching her chest.
She blinked away the terror and looked back at Donghyuck who hadn't moved.

"What's...Gatto?" She asked confused with a scrunched nose.
"You call the Cat, Cat?" She deadpanned and Donghyuck glanced at Aria then down at the black cat.

"Of course not, do you think I'm dumb?" He scoffed, clicking his fingers and the car obediently scurried over to nuzzle against him.
"And she's my cat."

Aria was silent for a moment, eyeing the cat who sent her death glares. It almost whined against Donghyuck's leg and he chuckled deeply, the air blowing through his jet black hair.

"I know Princess, I want to kill her too."

A scoff fell from her lips, mouth agape and she rolled her eyes- stomping over to him with a glare.
"You're so irritating!" She exclaimed and Donghyuck turned his head to the side, tantalizingly raking his eyes down her then back up to her face.

His lips etched into a smirk and his playful yet demonic eyes gazed into hers.
"Nice pajamas."

Aria immediately looked down at her panda pajamas and let out the biggest embarrassed groan, huffing and shoving him out of anger and his laugh echoed through the cold ethereal air.

Princess, the Cat, hissed at Aria with made her flinch as they both engaged in some sort of staring contest.

"Whatever, I hope you choke on blood." She muttered harshly to the boy and he hummed sarcastically as she began to walk away in a flustered rage.

"Sweet dreams Belle."

Aria glanced back at the sound of the out of place, new nickname yet only this time there was the remains of black smoke and no sign of the demon.


Hyuri or Haria what we feeling

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Hyuri or Haria what we feeling

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