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"Are you stupid? Clearly if you put milk first the cereal is going to be soggy

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"Are you stupid? Clearly if you put milk first the cereal is going to be soggy." Aria deadpanned.
"What's the difference? It's still going in the milk you dumb idiot."

"Dumb and idiot is basically the same." She argued back, huffing at him with a glare in her eyes.
"Yeah, well you're that stupid I had to call you both!"

"Dear G-great big Demons, will they ever shut up and stop fighting?" Renjun sneered, eyeing the two holding hands as they simultaneously bickered.

Renjun turned his attention to Jisung and Chaerin who were sharing small whispers with their eyes full of adoration.

"What the hell?" He almost gagged, shivering as he turned around and walked the other way, feeling hugely out of place.

"Oh my God-"
"She took me to the skyyy."
"Wait, what?"
"To be honest, we been knew Hyuri was a thing."
"Honestly the tension was choking me."
"I'll choke you."
"Does he ever say anything else?"
"Damn, they look so happy though."

The girl ceased her bickering with Donghyuck, turning her head around to see who called her.

The sudden stop made Donghyuck jolt with their hands intertwined.
His eyebrows narrowed at the girl, eyes slitted.

"You." He almost spat out. "For your information, she doesn't want that weak Angel-"

Na-eun scoffed.
"Don't worry darling, no point protecting her now; I know she has feelings for h

"What the hell?" Aria gritted out, demeanor changing into hostility. "What's your issue?"

"My issue?" Na-eun scoffed. "My issue is you, whatever Aria the whore wants, she fucking gets because the world revolves around her and her perfect life."

Donghyuck squeezed her hand in attempts of pulling her away from the situation but instead Aria pulled away from his grip, anger filling her up.

"Listen," Aria said to the human girl. "Don't fucking talk to me like that- you know nothing about me."

"Really? I was your best friend for years- but apparently you found new friends. You know, you're so two faced. You hated Demons!" Na-eun argued back.

"Yeah, well they're better friends then your slut shaming ass." Aria retorted.
"Well, if you weren't one then I wouldn't call you one."

Aria scoffed, poking the inside of her cheek with her tongue.
"Don't call her that, I'll-" Donghyuck began threateningly.

"You'll what? Drain me of my blood or snap my neck?"
"You better watch your fucking tone." Donghyuck growled, eyes flashing deathly red.

"Just stay away from Jaemin."
"I haven't spoken to him in days! Plus why should I? He's my friend and if I remember clearly, I'm allowed to have friends without your permission."

"Hah, friend my ass. You're really friends with a guy you like while still having a boyfriend? Wow, she must have you wrapped around her finger."

"Shut up." Donghyuck spat out, taking a step forward towards the Human when they were all interrupted.

"Just leave them alone Human."

Every head turned towards the Demon who was sipping on her blood bag like it was nothing, her blonde hair now pin straight black down her back- a new hoop in her nose and several ear piercings shocking all.

Aria's eyes narrowed at Seyeon who only winked at her in response.
The demon girl walked closer.

Aria's senses heightened as soon as the scent of blood infiltrated her nose. It was stronger than anything else, a flip being switched inside of her.

Stomach churning, eyes twitching and all she could smell was the pungent blood.

Her ears rang, oversensitive senses making her groan in pain and clasping a hand over her ears.

Donghyuck's eyes flickered to his girlfriend, hand on her back as she doubled over in pain.

"Belle? Aria, what's wrong?"

"Fuck, it hurts- what i-is it?" She gasped in the pain spreading through her body like wildfire.

"Belle, hey look at me." He said softly through his concern and the girl looked up at him through her pained eyes.

Donghyuck's whole world stopped, breath caught in his throat as he looked into her eyes.

The colour of her eyes more specifically.

The colour of her eyes more specifically

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