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The sheer vulnerability lacing through her shaky voice and wavering tone of overwhelming emotions, left Donghyuck rocked to the core

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The sheer vulnerability lacing through her shaky voice and wavering tone of overwhelming emotions, left Donghyuck rocked to the core.

It somehow churned inside him- detrimentally squeezing at his guts and to his non existent heart.

Following it was a small sniffle and the boy that had halted, slowly spun on his heels to glance down at the girl who was on the floor- her knees pulled up to her chest.

Donghyuck was at a loss, his emotions and thoughts of what to do became muddled inside his head and if left him basically a statue.

"You the only friend I have right now." She murmured against her palms that covered her face and he slowly began to walk over to her.

"You have a lot of friends Belle."
"None of them I can talk to though." She replied through her hoarse emotional voice.

He sighed, bending down to sit on the cold floor next to her with his back leaning against the wall as he looked aimlessly at the ceiling.

"What's up?" He asked finally, quieter as the atmosphere began to shift.
"I'm just...overwhelmed." She breathed, with the breath it felt like every pent up emotion was spewing out.

"I feel like nothing is right, nothing feels right. Hellhound? Demon? Angels? It just feels surreal and my parents- heck I haven't even come to terms with it." She admitted, it spilling through her lips and he listened.

"I don't know if I can be a hellhound, I can't- I just I don't know." She let out a deep harsh breath in frustration.

"Take a break from it," he spoke up after her rant.

Aria glanced at him, his arm
lazily over his pulled up knee and the other one outstretched on his leg that was out on the floor in front of him as he looked ahead almost spaced out.

"Then come back to it when you feel more comfortable with it."
"But what if I decide not to, what if I don't want to continue to be it?" She asked, stating the innermost thoughts she had.

Donghyuck turned his head, his eyes drifting over her features.
"Then you don't do it, if you don't want to do something you shouldn't force yourself to do it. It's your decision Belle- no one is forcing you."

"It's just...for once I make decent friends- you and the rest of the guys and on the other hand I set on fire and take souls of dead people. I can see their memories, I can feel their pain when they died,"
her voice began to get choked up. "It's just heavy, here." She put a hand over her heart where it was tightening till she felt suffocated.

He gazed at her with an indistinguishable emotion that even he didn't know what it was. The feeling of wanting her to not be in pain and torn up over the matters she couldn't change.

Letting out a small gentle sigh, he learnt his head back on the wall and she let her eyes stay on him- his side profile accentuating his near to perfect features clearer.

"You're feeling guilt...you feel like you've killed them but it's not something in your control- you didn't kill them or do anything bad to them." He said, choosing his words carefully yet he wasn't sure if it was any help at all.

"I'm just tired." Her voice wavering to a higher pitch with it cracking painfully with emotions that seeped through in waves of tears.
"Of what Belle?"

"I just wish...I just wish I wasn't me sometimes and I wish my parents genuinely loved or cared for me. I wish I could be happy most of the time without having major mood switches that I can't explain. Maybe I just wish people could see me for me and not for someone who always picks fights- which I know I do but," she laughed wryly.

"You know," he began thoughtfully. "Your parents- no matter how much you excuse their behaviour- they are shit parents. You might want and wish for their love but will it benefit you now if you know it's not genuine. Belle, you can find love elsewhere- it doesn't have to be people. Something that makes you feel I don't know, warm inside and blissfully happy without any effort."

Aria stared at him with soft, teary eyes as he spoke his mind.
"People are going to see you in ways you wouldn't want them to but that's only the people who don't hold significance in your life. The people who matter will see you for you- I promise." He finished, glancing his gaze back at her to see her already staring at him.

She had a smile on her lips despite the tears falling down her rosy cheeks.
He watched as she shuffled on her knees over to him, her hands on his shoulders before sliding them around his neck- into a hug.

"Thank you Hyuck."

Yeah tbh I still don't know what the plan isMe saying that as if I even had one in the first place

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Yeah tbh I still don't know what the plan is
Me saying that as if I even had one in the first place

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