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Amidst navigating through the busy crowds that covered the floor of the mall, still remaining hand in hand though neither of them wanted to let go

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Amidst navigating through the busy crowds that covered the floor of the mall, still remaining hand in hand though neither of them wanted to let go.

"Hm, what should we eat- I've been craving bubble tea to be honest that churro stand..." She trailed off, mouth basically watering at the thought.

"I mean it doesn't matter, I don't eat."
"Oh." Aria's excitement diminished, face falling and so did her perked up shoulders.

Donghyuck noticed it, feeling glimmers of guilt and he bit the side of his cheek- yanking gently on her hand to gain her attention.

"What type of bubble tea do you like?"

Aria's lips immediately pulled up into an uncontrollable smile, eyes glinting as they began walking. Both of them in a small bubble to themselves, talking about anything and everything without bounds.

Donghyuck and Aria sat down in one of the seats after ordering their drink, humming to herself as she scrolled through social media- Donghyuck lazily glancing around the room.

He turned to look at her who was in the midst of trying out the weird, funny filters on Snapchat and he scoffed at her under his breath.

Aria narrowed her eyes at him.
"What? Like you don't go on the random filters."
"My natural face is too handsome to be ruined with those." He spoke, dramatically adjusting his jacket as she side eyed him in disgust.

"Order 23!"
"Oh that's us." Donghyuck spoke, leaving his phone opened on the table as he left and she snickered- leaning forward to grab it.

Shamelessly, she began to take pictures of herself at every angle on his phone. His camera roll becoming basically full and she flipped the camera over to film Donghyuck who was waiting by the cashier.

"Here is a wild Donghyuck in his natural habitat, he seems to be making heart eyes at the wall. Let's take a look at what is going on inside his pea sized brain.
Ahem- 'ah what a lovely shade of white this wall is, absolutely exquisite taste- immaculate painting skills' okay bye."

Aria hummed to herself as she scrolled through his contacts to find hers, wanting to set herself a picture.

She searched for the names beggining with A, yet it only came up with 'Andy the blood supplier' to which she scrolled right past.

There was one name that stood out however, the one that never failed to make her heart skip ten thousand beats in a millisecond.


Donghyuck had returned with the drinks without her acknowledgement, noticing his phone in her hands and he slitted his eyes in a glare.

"What are you doing?" He asked, yet made no move to snatch it out of her hands as he sat opposite her, wiping his hands on his black jeans.

"I have a question." She began, glancing up at him as he poked a straw through both of their drinks.

"Why a star, sparkle thingy next to my contact name?" She asked curiously and Donghyuck paused midway through putting his straw in.

"Uh..." He trailed off, his only reaction was blinking with no response before he spoke up. "I don't know...we always meet at the cliff at night, so I associate you with the stars, happy?"

Aria grinned, nodding as she handed his phone back- him grumbling under his breath about how annoying she was.

"Isn't it weird how we always meet there? It's like our spot." She commented, taking sips of her drink.

"Our spot?" He inquiry, lazily sitting back in his seat as he stared at her.
Aria almost choked on her drink at the realisation, gulping it down harshly before clearing her throat.

"Anyway, I was thinking-"
Aria was cut off by her phone ringing, the screen flashing up and both their eyes drew down to it.

Jaeminie ❤️

Both Aria and Donghyuck made eye contact at the same time as the phone continued to ring.

Both Aria and Donghyuck made eye contact at the same time as the phone continued to ring

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Great timing my friend

Anyway anyway

I'm not sure if I should keep the tension up and really develop the development- idk

Or like have them confess lmk

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