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Johnny paced around his room, mind full of thoughts and the sight of her black jade stone engraved itself into it

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Johnny paced around his room, mind full of thoughts and the sight of her black jade stone engraved itself into it.

"Black jade..." He trailed off to himself. "She must have gotten other things from him."

He wracked his brain, biting at his nail as he impulsively began to stride towards her old room- bursting through the door and scanning his eyes over the near empty room.

Johnny began to open her drawers, most of them being empty or the clothes she decided she didn't want anymore, sighing in disappointment as he stood in the middle of the room.

Running a hand through his brown hair, aimlessly scanning the room with utter determination.

Before he could look more, the sound of the door opening made him snap his head up towards it- eyes landing on Aria who was carrying a big duffle bag on her shoulder.

When she noticed him in her room, she paused- eyes raking over the boy in surprise and curiousity.

She wearily closed the door shut behind her as a tense silence consumed.

"What are you doing here?"
"I could ask you the same..." Aria spoke, standing by the door as she ran her eyes over him.

"I was just seeing if you had my jacket." He lied smoothly and Aria hesitatingly nodded slowly before putting her handbag on the bed.

"No, I gave everything back remember?"

Johnny watched as she stalked over to her bookshelf.
"I came to get my stuff." She explained.
"You're really moving out for real?"
"Yep. I don't want to stay here."

Johnny's eyes fell over to her bed, catching sight of the blue notebook or diary as it seemed, almost spilling out of her bag.

He narrowed his eyes in confusion, not remembering having seen Aria ever write in diaries.

There were initials engraved into it with gold accents yet it wasn't hers.

Could it be...

He flickered his eyes back up to the girl, slowly inching towards the bed when he cautiously grabbed the notebook.

It was a small one, one small enough to hide behind his back without looking awkward.

"Where are you living now?" Johnny asked, back practically grazing against the wall to avoid suspicion.

"Hm, with my friends." She spoke vaguely and Johnny eyed her.
"You're acting weird, you can tell me things you know." He said with a short lived chuckle.

"I know, it's just weird for me to be back- not the best memories." She said with a bitter laugh that came out more as a scoff than anything.

"I'm sorry Ri, you didn't deserve any of it." He said with a small frown.

The front door shut behind the girl, Johnny's parents muttering under their breaths at the girl who didn't even give them the time of day or any respect.

Johnny shook his head, grabbing the blue notebook in his hand- scanning the outside cover of it and the back before closing his bedroom door.

Daiyu, if you're seeing this it means the worst of my fears have become true.

I am so sorry to put you in this position, in the world of evil creatures and ill minded people who crave power and inflicting pain on others.

If you're seeing this, it means the troubles I fought so hard to eradicate have returned and it's all due to the stone.

The black jade stone.

Before you were born, the most evil of creatures were after the stone that I had in my possession. Only hellhounds are allowed to keep the stone and protect it.

This came with many of enemies, many wanted me dead and others wanted to use me as a gateway to become tyrannical leaders.

In actual fact, they are the same people who wanted to kill me. I feared for my life, for yours. I knew as long as I was alive they would find out about you and i didn't want that.

If they found out there was another hellhound, they would come after you immediately for the stone.

Before I left, I gave it to my most trusted friends who casted a spell on it to hide it away from everyone.

The stone- when it's activated brings out the worst evil beings who want to take over Earth and make it a living hell.

It holds immense dark powers and evil spirits.

Please, be safe. You aren't alone in this Daiyu. I love you so much.

Johnny flicked through the diary till he got to the end of the book where a different handwriting was displayed.

ɥǝ ıs ɐlıʌǝ.

ɟɹǝǝ ɥ!ɯ ɟɹoɯ ʇɥǝ sdǝןן.

ʎon ʍ!ןן ɟ!nd ɥ!ɯ ʍɥǝɹǝ ʇɥǝ ʍɐʇǝɹ ɟןoʍ!nƃ !s ɔןǝɐɹ ɐnd ƃɹɐss !s ƃɹǝǝn.

soɯǝʍɥǝɹǝ ʇɥɐʇ !s ɥ!ddǝn ɟɹoɯ ɐןן ǝʎǝs.

Damn Aria needed to see that message as well

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Damn Aria needed to see that message as well

Johnny wyd bro

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