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Donghyuck gasped, the sound of it alarming Aria as she searched his eyes for any indication of his sudden hitch of air

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Donghyuck gasped, the sound of it alarming Aria as she searched his eyes for any indication of his sudden hitch of air.

"Belle your..." He trailed off, a twist of emotions surging through him and leaving him feeling torn.

"My what?" She asked through the pain clogging her voice- gripping onto his sleeve with fear of what was to come..

"What the fuck?" Na-eun spoke in almost disgust. "You really have changed." She murmured to herself, walking away.

Aria visibly panicked and Donghyuck attempted to console her and reassure her but instead she straightened up.

Her sight landed on the masses of people staring at her in shock, mouths agape and eyes wide.

The girl tore herself from her boyfriend's grip, rushing towards the nearest bathroom with his yells for her drowning out by the sound of her ears ringing.

When she burst through the doors, scaring the girls reapplying makeup in the mirror, she hurried to the it.

Swirling thoughts flurried through her mind and her constant inquires and questions were answered as she looked into her own reflection.

Aria exhaled sharply, the breath being knocked out of her lungs, eyes burning into her reflection when she tentatively hovered her hand over her cheekbones.

"No..." She breathed out. "No...how did this-" she stopped at a loss for words.

The feelings conjuring up inside her bubbled rapidly, attempting to fizz over the edge the more she caught sight of her reflection.

Aria closed her eyes tight, panicked. However when she opened them again, the colour intensified.

Shaking her head in disbelief, unable to comprehend what was going on, she took off from the mirror and bursted through the door.

The pains attacking her heart made her gasp out, surging through her body.
Air passed by her as she ran through the halls.

Groups and clusters of people had dispersed into their designated classes, filling her with relief as she ran faster.


The girl glanced to the side in alarm at the sound of her voice, catching sight of him before she ultimately stumbled; not knowing flights of stairs were ahead of her.

Fortunately, they were going up and not down so she went head first into them.


"Ouch!" She hissed in pain as he gently dabbed away the blood streaming down her face.

The metallic taste infiltrated her mouth, trailing down her chin and soaking the material of her shirt.

Seated in the infirmary where there was no nurse- how convenient.
What if someone tripped on the stairs?

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He apologised with guilty warm eyes and Aria winced at the pain.

"It's okay." She said as pain free as she could.
He too winced at her pain, seeing how much blood was coming out of her nose.

"About what Na-eun said..." He began, hesitant before speaking. "I think-"

His words were cut off by the doors forcefully opening, harsh footsteps pounding against the floor.

"You." He seethed out darkly, both Jaemin and Aria turning in the direction of an enraged Donghyuck who's black intricate wings stood behind him and red illuminated eyes piercing into the Angel.

Aria already knew what was about to happen, eyes widened as her Demonic boyfriend strided over with fists clenched.

"Hyuck-" she tried to speak but before she could a fist was launched into the Angel's jaw.

"Hyuck-" she tried to speak but before she could a fist was launched into the Angel's jaw

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Wow jealous hyuckie ;)

Hehe what colour are her eyes

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