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Okay but lowkey have a plan for Aria and I'm deadass excited
What do you guys this it is 👀🤔

He returned through the gates of hell with his mouth dripping with the essence of human blood, the crimson metallic taste on his tongue and his silver lip ring tainted red

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He returned through the gates of hell with his mouth dripping with the essence of human blood, the crimson metallic taste on his tongue and his silver lip ring tainted red.

Donghyuck was almost drunk on the filling liquid of blood, stumbling into the fiery palace with his jet black hair pushed in all directions and his clothes messily strewn across his body.

Renjun glanced up from the TV, taking in his friends appearance as he went straight to the cupboard to grab a bottle of alcohol.

The heartbroken bitter boy chugged it straight from the bottle with bloodshot puffy red eyes, tracks of tears staining his rosy cheeks.

"Put it down." Renjun commented blankly, eyes trained on the TV. Donghyuck didn't listen, droplets of the intoxicant seeping from the corners of his mouth as he lazily drank from it.

"Put it down Donghyuck."
"Don't fucking tell me what to do!" He spat out in a rage, slamming the cupboard shut so hard it came off its hinges.

"Can you shut the fuck up, my Mum is trying to sleep you dickhead." Jisung hissed from the bottom of the stairs, hair messy from having woken up at 4am by Donghyuck.

"Fuck off." Donghyuck scoffed, holding the bottle by its neck and stomping over in the direction of his room.

"Getting wasted doesn't solve your issues."
"What am I meant to do then?" He slurred out, gripping it tighter with his eyes glistening with heartfelt tears..

Renjun sighed, switching off the TV and walking over to the boy- snatching the bottle from his hand and disposing of it.

"Forget about her Donghyuck, she clearly wasn't the one for you-"
"But I want her, I still love her but it fucking hurts! Sh-she doesn't want me back."

Aria muffled her giggles as the clock turned 5am, clutching her stomach as she teared up humourously at the video she was watching.

The screen lit up her face, eyes almost squinting at the intensity but nevertheless she didn't care until her door swung open, revealing her brother.

"Ria what the hell are you doing up, it's 5am!" He whisper shouted, rubbing his eyes.

"Clearly I'm watching a video Johnny." She retorted back, shooing him out of the room as her eyes trained on the video.

He gawked at his sister in disbelief, shaking his head and returning back to his room with a mutter under his breath about the teens these days.

"Shut my door!"
"Be quiet oh my God!" He hissed back before closing her door and the girl hummed contently- laying back in her bed.

Gasping for breath, she shot up in her bed with her skin practically dripping with sweat and her hair matte to her forhead and skin.

Fists clenching the material of her duvet and she was unable to capture her breaths through the rising heat in her body that wouldn't seem to cool.

It was burning inside her- head aching and she could barely bring herself to get out of bed but she did so- vision become blurred and she stumbled over to her bathroom- flickering on the light.

The girl leant her palms on the rim of the sink, gasping for air and spluttering out the heated oxygen in her lungs- eyes forming tears and suddenly the burning sensation of bile raised in the back of her throat and the girl hunched over the toilet to hurl up everything.

The girl leant her palms on the rim of the sink, gasping for air and spluttering out the heated oxygen in her lungs- eyes forming tears and suddenly the burning sensation of bile raised in the back of her throat and the girl hunched over the toile...

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Oh my what a shame I wonder what's happening

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