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Her eyes snapped open, the sudden weight on her chest making her feel as though she was drowning in the pits of her despair and the feeling of her stomach churning sent her deeper into the agonising shock that consumed her

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Her eyes snapped open, the sudden weight on her chest making her feel as though she was drowning in the pits of her despair and the feeling of her stomach churning sent her deeper into the agonising shock that consumed her.

Almost panting, clutching the bedsheets in her small fist as she sat up with her hair falling over her face.

The rancid taste of bile grew up her throat and the images of the dead girl, all of her memories that weighed down on her heart burdened her.

She felt like a murderer even though the girl was long dead; she still felt it deep within her and it gripped her every nerve.

Unable to withstand it, the thoughts that enveloped her into an anxious warp of sickening thoughts- she flung the covers off of her- not even aware of her own surroundings as she stumbled into a run towards the bathroom.

Eyes watering with every heave over the toilet bowl and the hole in her heart grew stronger every passing minute until she broke out into a painstakingly agonising sob that wracked the walls.

Her body felt like it was on fire yet it wasn't and it was all too much for her to handle- gasping over her sobs painfully as she continued to throw up the remains of water she downed earlier in the day.

Sweat beading on her skin and tears trailing down it- the feeling of her hair being pulled out of her face and held away made Aria sniffle on her cries at the presence of someone who crouched down beside her.

"It's only me Belle." His soft, concerned deeper tone assured her as his other palm rubbed circles into her back slowly.

Yet his presence deemed to be slightly comforting, she let out harder cries and her tears dripped hot down her cheeks and it was almost impossible to stop.

Donghyuck was crouched on the bathroom floor with his hand holding her hair out of her face and the other on her back- now rubbing it up and down in some awkward attempt to comfort her.

He was unsure of what to say, torn between his emotions and it was at times like this he felt useless- he wished he was a human to feel the right amounts of sympathy or even the right words to say.

She clamped her lips together to stop the cries, her chin wobbling as she closed the toilet seat lid and shakily reached over to flush it.

Instead his arm outstretched from behind her, wordlessly pushing the handle down with his chest brushing against her back.

Donghyuck sighed, his fist balling up at his side as he hesitantly got to his feet.
"I'll get you some water." He said, looking at her longer than he should of in a fit of worry but it made his chest squeeze tight at the sight of her tears.

His foot stepped out of the door when her shaky, emotional voice called out vulnerably.
"Don't go."


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