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Don't leave me

Don't leave me

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The feeling of her lungs being overfilled; unable to intake breaths sufficient enough to supply her with air.

Heart churning, gripping with the deathly hands, nails scraping and piercing holes it. Agony she felt, her whole body feeling as though the weight of the world landed on it.

It's as if she was calling for help but instead her voice was drowned out when her mind couldn't stop replaying her life on repeat.

The memories she pushed so deeply resurfacing, unable to move- breathe properly or speak.

It was living hell.

Murmers and whispers of her flashbacks all merged into one, echoing around her mind until she couldn't find a way out.

The maze of her hellish mind constricted her, heart pounding and feeling light headed the more and more the darkness played behind her eyes.

Thundering in her ears, screams and yells she grew up with. The overwhelming sight of toxicity displayed in what she once called home surfaced once more- making Aria realise the scars went deeper than she thought.

Resentment and anger filtered through her veins and the feeling of rage towards the family that brought her up.
The rage towards the treatment she had gotten.


The feeling flooded her lungs, trashing around inside her own head- screaming for help.

"Aria, Aria wake up,"

The voice was drowned out by the constant whirls of whispers that plagued her mind and ears ringing with hot blood rushing through her.

"Belle, wake up."

As if a trigger had been pulled inside her, switch being flipped and suddenly the voices surrounding her mind left.

Finally, her eyes snapped open and her eyes refocused to the sight of the white celling above her- ears ringing as she panted choking on her tears that dripped hot down her cheeks.

Thundering against her chest was her heart, frantically sitting up with the heaviness weighting her down.

Clutching the material of her shirt, eyes shut tight when she tried to calm her shaky breaths before warmth was placed on her shoulder.

"Belle?" His voice was soft, the caring tone contrasting the one that replayed in her head.

Aria, with teary eyes and shaky hands, lifted her head to look straight into the golden yellow orbs.

At first she was frozen, disoriented but as she blinked away the tears- her eyes raked over his face.

"Yeah," he breathed out in relief. "It's me."

Aria rashly wiped her tears away, turning to face him properly.
"What happened, why are you here, who was-"

Donghyuck cut her off with his other hand on her shoulder, staring into her eyes.
"Slow down, you just woke up- take easy okay?"

"What?" She furrowed her brows. "No, what? What happened?"

Aria searched his eyes for answers but all she saw was swimming guilt.
"What happened?" She asked, dreading the answer to come.

"You're going to hate me."
"What is it?" She almost pleaded, eyes wide.

Donghyuck bit at his bottom lip, closing his eyes as he felt the overwhelming feeling bloom in his chest.

"I...I bit you."

When the words left his mouth, none of it registered in her mind and completely flew over her head before they lingered in the air.

Aria suddenly tensed, the weight of his words raining onto her all at once.
"What?" She uttered out.

Donghyuck gulped, Adam's apple bobbing as he turned his head up and now the golden yellow hue in his eyes became prevalent as he stared into her own.

"I bonded us."

Frozen, stuck in place when his words repeated like a chant in her mind.
"You...you bonded us? You bit me?" She asked, not a reaction other than shock showing.

Aria's hand came up to her neck frantically when she gasped at the shooting pain coursing through her at the touch.

"Don't! It's fresh... it's not healed completely yet." He said, once again his mind filling with guilt.

"I'm sorry." He said quietly. "It was the only way to save you."

Aria couldn't move her eyes from his own, the sight of the golden made her stomach churn and slowly her own fingers hovered over her own cheekbone.

Is that the soulmate bond?

"I..." She began, completely and utterly shocked. "You..." She couldn't get her words out, it was all too overwhelming for her to process it all.

"Did I die?" She blurted out. "How did you find me and I thought- I thought that Demon was going to make me into one-" she stopped immediately, eyes snapping back to his.

"Am I a Demon?" She panicked. "Donghyuck, did you...am I a Demon now?"

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Poor girl

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