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I'm taking over, you should know
Can't hold me down because you know I'm a fighter

Aria, with help of Donghyuck, stood up on her unstable feet- clutching onto him as she looked down at her blood stained clothes

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Aria, with help of Donghyuck, stood up on her unstable feet- clutching onto him as she looked down at her blood stained clothes.

"Come on Belle, let's go home."
"Wait- the necklace." Aria said, gripping it.

"But, it won't come off..." He trailed off, turning to face her.
"Let me." A voice interrupted.

Aria and Donghyuck turned around, facing the tanned skinned woman, tall in height and beautifully striking features.
Dark wavy hair cascading down her back as she had her fingers through Jisung's mum's- Ga-eun.

"Hi, I'm Malika." She said with a smile, eyes glinting at Aria.

"Oh, I'm Aria- nice to meet you." She added, the woman in front of her giving a small amused smile before stepping towards her.

"Let me see if I can rid you of your miseries." She murmured, fingers lightly grazing over the necklace.

"Hm, do you know who casted this spell?"
Aria shook her head.

Malika nodded, her hand hovering over it as she closed her eyes and began murmuring words that no one could understand.

Purple hues erupted around the necklace, making Aria close her eyes at the intensity.

A feeling of lightness settled on her body, the necklace no longer feeling burdensome to her as she opened her eyes.

Everyone watched her expectantly, on edge as she began to lift the necklace off her body and over her head.

Donghyuck let out a heavy sigh of relief, grasping the necklace from her hands and into his own.

"Can't we destroy it?"
"It only is destroyed once it activates, I'd advice keeping it safe locked away."

"Doesn't seem so secure to me." Renjun voiced.
"I'll cast a spell over it to stay hidden from eyes except ours, okay?" Malika asked, glancing at everyone as they all nodded.

"Let's hope we never have to see this thing cause trouble again."

Aria had her hand in Donghyuck's as they began to walk through the battlefield, unnervingly eyeing the dead creatures on the floor.

She had her other hand gripping his arm, leaning her head on his shoulder as they walked.

"I love you." She said, voice full of exhaustion and shock as she squeezed his hand tighter to make her feel safe.

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